Confirmation screen when adding citation to Leganto from Primo
When adding a catalog citation to Leganto from the Primo interface (via the "Send To..." menu) there is a small popup (screenshot attached) that asks the user to choose a list, section, etc. and then click the green "Add to Leganto" button, which is great. Once this button is clicked, the page reloads and the user receives no confirmation, other than to open a new tab, navigate to the relevant list, and verify that the citation appeared in the right place. Instead, once the user clicks "Add to Leganto," would it be possible to have a similarly sized pop up with a confirmation that the item was successfully added, then an on-screen link that takes them to Leganto (ideally directly to the list they just added to!)? This is of interest for faculty at our institution, many of whom start the process of adding citations from the discovery interface rather than the Leganto interface.