Able to configure which citation statuses should be considered as equivalent to Complete
In Leganto it is possible to create custom citation statuses.
One such custom status we have created is 'Complete - no eBook available' which we use to signify to academic staff that a citation has been processed by the library but that it has not been possible to purchase an item electronically. For all intents and purpose this status is equivalent to Complete, but provides additional information.
It would be preferable if we were able to configure Leganto to define which statuses should be considered as Complete. This would be useful, for example, when filtering citations in Alma, where there are options to filter by Complete and Not Complete (which includes all other citation statuses which are not complete).
Leganto also uses the Complete status as an indicator to display certain features to students. For example, links on citations with copyright requests are not displayed if the citation status is not complete. Being able to define whether custom citation statuses should be considered a complete status or not would be helpful in this scenario, allowing academic staff to see more information about the status of the item as well as allowing students to view full content of a citation