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6 results found

  1. Closed Library Management TOU apply to Resource Sharing Request

    Currently, the RS Lending Request item due date does not take into consideration of the library closed days as there is no "Closed Library Due Date Management" option in the Lending Resource Sharing Rule TOU. As a result, the due date may fall on a library closed date where clients are unable to return the item. I have received confirmation from ExLibris (SF354784) that this will need to be an enhancement request rather than a bug fix.

    472 votes
    Planned  ·  9 comments  ·  Resource Sharing  ·  Admin →
  2. Add Closed Library Management Policy Rule to RS Borrowing TOU

    Currently, when a borrowing request item is received, the due date of item is set by the lender's TOU. If the due date falls on a library close date, the due date remains unchanged. This causes the problem when clients are misled by the due date and would visit the library to return the item even though the library is closed. We would like to add in the Closed Library Management policy type to the RS Borrowing TOU so that we can indicate in the event the due date of the RS request falls on a library close date, Alma…

    29 votes
  3. Resource Sharing Borrowing Recalled Item Due Time

    When Recalling a Loaned Borrowing Item, there is a Due Date but not a Due Time, as a result, the system enters the Due Time as the time the recall was placed and not the library's closing time.

    Pls. let us know what the solution is.

    In order to enter the correct Due Time, we have to go into Fulfillment and Change the Date - which sends a second letter to the patron.

    It would be very helpful if the Recall screen also allows the Due Time.

    6 votes
  4. Add option to close library for borrowing or lending requests based on format of request

    A library can close for borrowing or lending requests and include dates when the library can't process borrowing or lending requests. It would be helpful and provide more efficient processing of borrowing and lending requests if requests could be deflected by format.

    As a borrowing library, there are times when a patron's article requests could be processed and sent to a lending library, but a physical request can't be processed.

    Borrowing physical requests may not be possible because the physical library building is closed, and the item can't be delivered to the location.

    It would be helpful to have the…

    44 votes
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  5. Add Block for Resource Sharing Shipping from Scan-In Items

    Alma allows an institution to set rsallowactionsonscan_in to false. When a staff person tries to Receive or Ship a resource sharing request from Scan-In, the staff person sees a pop-up message advising them to use Alma Receiving or Shipping.

    When Scan-in Items is used on a lending request that should be shipped, a pop up message displays that “Shipping is required to be done from the dedicated screen, Are you sure you want to continue?” There is a “Cancel” or “Confirm” option. If the staff person chooses “Confirm” and scans the item barcode again then another…

    38 votes
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  6. Allow Fulfillment Network Member (AFN) to lend resources, but not serve as a physical pick-up location for other network members' patrons

    Since some institutions have buildings with perpetual restricted access, we have some AFN fulfillment network member libraries that are willing to send their materials to another AFN member library for pick-up, but, for all functional purposes, they are closed to the public. They don't want patrons from the other AFN institutions to visit their library in person, and thus, don't want patrons from another AFN institution to select their library as a pick-up location.

    This need has been heightened during the pandemic, with more institutions closed to the public.

    We know that turning off all circ desk hold shelves will…

    100 votes
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