Configure journals A-Z so titles from key suppliers can be ranked higher than lesser known suppliers/OA titles
We would like to apply some configuration to the Journals A-Z in Primo?
We have noticed that when browsing our A-Z the first few titles that appear under each letter do not tend to reflect our health and social care focused collection. We would like to have options to omit or give more weight to certain collections/titles in the A-Z so more prominent titles appear at the top rather than titles that are unlikely to have any significant use for our patrons.
One example would be under the letter L. We would hope a title such as The Lancet would appear near the top but if you go to L on our version of Primo - see,contains,&tab=jsearch_slot&vid=44NHSS_VU1&lang=en_US&offset=0&journals=letter,L
it's mainly non-clinical titles.
Another example might be JAMA but again if you go to J,contains,&tab=jsearch_slot&vid=44NHSS_VU1&lang=en_US&offset=0&journals=letter,J
it's similiar non-clincial titles.
I think the main culprit here is our EBSCOhost Health Business FullTEXT Elite which has a lot of less relevant content so I am not sure if we would like demote or omit this collection in the Journal A-Z rankings?
OpenAccess titles may also be an issue.
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