Link Esploro asset records to Alma bib records
Permit Esploro asset records to be linked to bib records in Alma in the same way that holdings, portfolios, and digital representations are linked.
Create an Alma job by which library staff can link assets to bib records by uploading a spreadsheet of asset IDs and their corresponding bib MMS IDs.
Currently, we have two records for every ETD in our collection, the Alma bib record and the Esploro asset record. Both describe the same resource (the bib better than the asset record) and so they should be linked and not turn up in Primo as two separate search results.
David Cupo commented
Just as an addendum to my previous reply, the solution would need to be in the form of a job that could be run as I described in the original post. We have thousands of ETDs in Esploro, so linking them one by one is wholly impractical.
David Cupo commented
Hi Dan, thanks for responding. If this relation method you're considering would merge the two search results for the bib and related asset record while still retaining metadata from both records, then that might be a good workaround.