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  1. Authority creation - Populate 670 Source Data Found from open bib

  2. Visualization of Analytical Bibliographic Data in PrimoVE.: Correct Sorting of Parts  ·  Under Review

  3. Ability to search non-english (especially Scandinavian) characters in local data and CDI data in a consistent way  ·  Closed

  4. Ensure that CZ & CDI Metadata is Linked Data Ready

  5. Add the ability to search ( and save query ) for holdings with suppressed tag yes

  6. Include the item barcode as part of the data published from Alma to Primo in the AVA field to improve item search in Primo  ·  Completed

  7. Put useful data into the RSS feeds created by Primo

  8. Electronic portfolios in an electronic collection/packages should inherit data displays from the collection's service  ·  Completed

  9. Enable link from Invoice line to live Purchase Order Line so that data can be updated

  10. XML Expansion for "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter" with Data about Reshelving Status and about Expected Date when Item will be Reshelved

  11. Enable content of patron queries to be attached to Borrowing request  ·  Already Supported

  12. Query to patron letter: add the publication date for Document delivery requests  ·  Closed

  13. Include access information as part of the data that are published from Alma to Primo for Alma-D records  ·  Completed

  14. Manual Deleting of User (Patron) records and need for consistency in maintaining reportable data

  15. Internal or External data in the Researcher record  ·  Closed

  16. Add a true "exact" search to Advanced search type  ·  Completed

  17. Adding unique user data to Primo Analytics  ·  Closed

  18. Add Patron Proxy data to Analytics  ·  Completed

  19. Add a SUSHI account column in the usage statistics missing data page

  20. Support Usage Data for Advanced Search Analytics

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