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174 results found
Improve to DeDuplicate of Non-English References
New RefWorks identifies some Japanese (or non-English) references as duplication even when they are not duplicated.
Improvement of DeDuplication for Non-English language references is expected.21 votesRefWorks is happy to announce we have launched improved deduplication feature in the November 2022 release. You may find more information here.
Add Shibboleth Login to RCM Add-in
Add Shibboleth / Institutional sign-on / Federated Access to RCM Add-in for Word 2016.
At present Shibboleth / Institutional login is provided via the web interface, but not via the RCM Add-in. The only way to login is with the alternate password option set in RefWorks web user settings.
24 votes -
Show all fields included in a resource type on the edit screen
Currently RefWorks only shows certain fields when you edit references, it would be better if it showed all fields for that type of resource that are defined in the style
21 votes -
RefWorks Citation Manager - change default to last folder used instead of "all references"
The RefWorks Citation Manager add-in always defaults to the “All references” folder after choosing an action. For example, if I go to a different folder and choose to “Edit & Cite” for one of the citations, it then toggles back to the All references folder instead of staying in the folder I had been using. This requires me to keep re-selecting the folder where I had accumulated sources for a project.
For workflow, it would be useful to have RefWorks Citation Manager default to folder last used instead of to All References.
15 votes -
Option to add to the field "short title" to the bibliography, citations and footnotes
In the citation style editor I am not able to add the field "short title" to my bibliography, citations or footnotes. Only the reference type Generic contains the field short title.
But for some citation styles it is required.4 votes -
1 vote
Importing from Legacy RefWorks doesn't organize them by their orignal folder. I have 171 references that are just dumped into my library.
Let me import my FOLDERS from legacy refworks.
1 vote -
RefWorks libguide - add information on RefWorks Citation Manager
The RefWorks Libguide only contains information on Write N Cite.
Please can information on RCM be added, in particular any instructions about software compatibility, especially with Macs?
We find this libguide essential to point students to for the current info on what is best for their computer.
9 votesRCM documentation can be found in the following Customer Knowledge Center article:
Replace interstitial page with login page that directs users to Legacy or New depending on credentials
The interstitial page confuses our students because if they are new to RefWorks, they have no idea which option to choose. If you could replace the interstitial page with a log in page - that includes the option to create an account (this would go to New RefWorks) - everyone would be so much happier.
2 votesLegacy platform has been deactivated; all imports are directed to RefWorks.
Admin: sort users by date last active
Admin view of users - shoul dbe able to sort by any column AND download to excel/csv
5 votesI’m happy to update that with the recent June release, admins can now export a user data csv file. The data can then be sorted or filtered in excel as needed.
Remove shared folder access codes
We've noticed that when a user shares a folder, the link that the recipient receives generates a screen that asks for an access code if they are not already logged into RefWorks.
We can see that there is a login link in the top banner but most of our users will miss this.
Is it possible to have the usual login options (e-mail address and institutional login) in the main screen?
We've also noticed that, once you do login, it takes a little while for the shared folder to appear in the menu section on the left and once it…
0 votes -
Assign custom sorting: chronologically, but in 17th ed. Chicago Style-Notes and Bib
While I want my entries to remain in Chicago Style, sometimes it is helpful to sort chronologically, but in more detail than RW currently allows which is only by year then author. I want to order the list more accurately: Year Ascending; Month Ascending; Day Ascending; Author; Title. I realize I can reorder the fields to begin with the full date, but then they are not in Chicago Style. How can I reorder the citations to be truly chronological (as I will have multiple dates within each year), without changing the Chicago Style order of each field?
1 vote -
Systematic Review Views
Like the "Normal" or "Citation" view of the data, provide a Systematic Review view that just shows select fields, like Author and Abstract.
10 votesTable view was added in the Sept 2018 release.
Problems with entering date
When full dates are entered in long date format (i.e. February 3, 2018), a comma is being added after the day number in the APA Citation view (i.e. 2018, Feb 3,). However, it should be displayed without the final comma (i.e. 2018, Feb 3). Entering the date without a comma (i.e. February 3 2018) into the 'Publish Date' field seems to correct the issue, but does not match the format of date as suggested by the in-field tip (i.e. "Mar 12, 2015" or "2015").
6 votes -
promotional materials
A nice on-boarding idea: How about some promotional materials for new REFworks subscribers? We have a resource fair in the fall and would love to have something tangible to hand to students to promote this awesome product. :)
3 votesPromotional materials can be downloaded from the following link. Additional resources will be added in the next few months.
Citations need to be black
when copy the references from the bibliography, the references are "dark grey" instead of black. It makes it troublesome to go through all the references by hand, and highlight all the references and change it to black. This is because in some formats, it includes the URL, which should be in "blue". Therefore, it is quite annoying to do so, and quite honestly, defeats the purpose of having a reference manager.
8 votes -
Java issue
Java is going to be absolute soon. And Installing requires Java, the latest version of java app installed the MacBook with MSOffice latest patch and everything, still, I can not install RefWorks to the computer. Can you help please...
1 vote -
ISBN/ISSN, authors can be used to retrieve auto-cite metadata for manual input
More criteria are recommended for retrieving metadata for auto-cite. ISBN, ISSN and authors are common. This will empower the auto-cite capability and save a lot of time for the researchers.
9 votesI am happy to update that this was done as part of the September release. Users can find matches by ISBN and ISSN, in addition to Title and DOI. Read more here:
Search option for document in google doc tool by Ref ID
In word tool as well as in google doc tool if I want to cite the reference using Ref ID search (which is good new idea) but not able to do it. So not useful due to this limitation.
1 voteThis is available in the new RCM for Google Docs
Configure the "Citation View" "Settings" icon (the "Gear") to function in the Firefox browser
The "Settings" gear icon in the "Citation View" does not function in the Firefox browser, i.e., the "Gear" icon does not respond to a mouse click. This feature works in Chrome as described in the User Guide and, once set using Chrome, displays the Citation Style selected using the Chrome browser.
1 voteI am pleased to update that this bug has been resolved.
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