We welcome your ideas for new content (metadata) to add to the Knowledge Bases (KBs - Alma CZ, SFX, 360) and Discovery services (CDI - Central Discovery Index whose data supports Primo and Summon).
- Check if your idea has already been posted and vote for it before posting a new idea.
- Choose the right category: "New Provider" for content from a provider that has no available content in the KBs or CDI, or "Existing Provider" for content from a provider that already has content available in the KBs or CDI.
- Add a direct link to the provider/resource you suggest, and a contact person if possible.
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- Make sure you mention any specific added value your idea has to the community such as language or supporting diversity.
- Did you find errors in an existing collection? please open a case.
- A new year has begun but no corresponding annual collection? post an idea in Idea Exchange, make sure to mention if it is an existing provider.
- Existing Provider - if your idea is for a new collection from a provider that already has content available in the KBs and CDI or enriching records for an existing collection, use this category. No voting is necessary, ideas for existing providers will be handled regardless of voting.
- New Providers - if your idea is for content from a provider that does not have any content available in the KBs and CDI, choose this category.
- Other - for non provider specific ideas
530 results found
Add open access journal Uniting Church Studies (ISSN 1323-6377) by United Theological College, North Parramatta, NSW
As of December 2, 2024, this former print journal has become an open access online publication.
Title Uniting Church Studies
ISSN 1223-6377
URL"Founded in 1995, Uniting Church Studies (ISSN: 1323-6377) is a peer-reviewed journal focused on the theology, history, ministry and witness of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Published by United Theological College, North Parramatta, NSW, it appears twice yearly: June and December.
The journal includes research articles, reflections and provocations, book forums and reviews. Authors include both academics and practitioners, who together cover a wider range of methodologies: doctrinal, exegetical, inter-cultural, sociological and post-colonial. This diversity produces…
1 voteHello,
You can add the title to The Freely Accessible General Interest Journals, Collection ID: 615280000000001781 as it is managed by the community in Alma.
I would suggest referring to the Knowledge Article for more information
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Ekonomické rozhľady
Could the following journal be added to the Freely Accessible Journals database?
Ekonomické rozhľady/Economic Review
ISSN 2644-7185 (online)1 voteHello,
The Freely Accessible General Interest Journals, Collection ID: 615280000000001781 is managed by the community in Alma, so you can add the details yourself.
I would suggest referring to the Knowledge Article for more information
If you want to add the title in 360 or SFX, please open a support ticket, as Idea Exchange is for new databases, and not for updating existing databases.
For follow up questions, please reach out to me directly
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
New Database Request: Neuroradiology: A Core Review (for EBSCO)
We recently purchased this ebook through EBSCO, but there are currently no EBSCO databases available for tracking. Can you please add an EBSCO database for this ebook? It is the second edition ISBN 9781975199265
1 voteHello,
This will be handled in a case, since this is a request to add a title to an existing collection.
Update coverage for Alma's Telegraph Historical Archive collection
Gale’s Telegraph Historical Archive includes content from 1855-2021 (see but the portfolio in the Alma CZ collection (Collection ID 614910000000001620) shows “Available from 1855 until 2016.” Can this be updated?
1 voteHello,
Updating existing collections or portfolios should be handled through support cases.
You can also use the chat for quicker resolution.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
The University of Lausanne newly subscribes to UDEMY : a self training platform with English VOD.
We would very much appreciate finding UDEMY in CZ of ALMA and in PRIMO Central Index.
Here's the link to UDEMY catalogue :
Thank you for your follow up,0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
ConstitutionNet ( is a free platform which allows to search and download thousands of official documents from selected constitution building processes in the Americas, Asia and Africa. This material covers all stages of the constitution building process: the preparatory phase, the drafting, adoption, and implementation of the new constitution. The collection includes constitutional laws, official reports, draft laws, stakeholder resolutions, minutes of key meetings, rules of proceedings in constituent assemblies and national conferences.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Collection: Duke University Press collection on Silverchair platform
Duke University Press is migrating their journals from Highwire to Silverchair. The Highwire Press Geological Society of America collection is not gong to be valid and their links are not going to work in 2018. Please update the collection name and links.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Please add Lamyline : a Wolters kluwer resource to access to ****** law
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Kiosque numérique éducation - KNE
Please add KNE : thousands of ****** textbooks, for students and teachers in science education
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
American Mathematical Society (AMS) e-Contemporary Mathematics
This collection hasn't yet been updated with 2017 and 2018 titles after volume 688. The most recent volume is 709 according to the publisher's website:
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
IGI Global videos
Please provide IGI Global video content in the community zone.
0 votesRequest closed due to no votes.
We are working with IGI Publishing to ingest their content. -
Add TWSE thesaurus to Community Zone authority files
The TWSE (Thesaurus für wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung) is a multilingual thesaurus used mainly in German speaking countries. Its main focus are development policy and cooperation as well as regional geography.
The thesaurus is maintained by a committee whose members are Alliance Sud, Bern
Arnold Bergstraesser Institut, Freiburg i.B.
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor, Aachen
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Bern.
It is available at votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Distinguish (master) theses from dissertations in Proquest Disseration publishing (PQDP)
In Proquest Disseration publishing (PQDP) they distinguish source type from degree. That means source type is always theses and dissertations. Primo Central use publication type dissertation for all PQDP records. PC should distinguish dissertations from theses, like a master thesis, in publication types.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
INIS database - International Nuclear Information System
Add the INIS database to discovery. INIS is the world´s leading information system on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. INIS maintains a database of over 3.3 million bibliographic references, 1970-present. Full-text documents represent around 10% of the collection. Covers journals, books and especially strong in non-conventional or grey literature including technical reports, patent documents, pre-conference papers, and non-commercially published theses and laws.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
ProQuest Modern Archive
ProQuest's Modern Archive product (by subject area) has different coverage dates than the Classic Archive product. Currently, options in the Alma CZ cover only Classic Archive dates.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Betham Science Publishers
Please could you add Bentham Science Open eBooks and Bentham Science Open Journals to the SFX KB.
0 votesHello,
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.
This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.
We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Queen Victoria’s Journals - Open Access version for UK and selected Commonwealth countries
Please add a service level to this. The portfolio title list is available from the publisher.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Add portfolios to Adam Matthew Archives Direct 991004919009502422
Please add portfolios to Adam Matthew Archives Direct. other Adam Matthew collections have a service level, and it would be very helpful.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Global Press Archive
Please add East View's Global Press Archive collections to SFX KB, specifically the ones developed in alliance with CRL. Here is a link with information:
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
Add RSWB Plus Databa to Primo Central Index and link via SFX
The University of Liechtenstein has licensed RSWB Plus database since September 2020. We would like to propose to ExLibris to link this database via SFX and make it available in Primo Central Index.
0 votesClosing this request as there are no votes.
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