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We welcome your ideas for new content (metadata) to add to the Knowledge Bases (KBs - Alma CZ, SFX, 360) and Discovery services (CDI - Central Discovery Index whose data supports Primo and Summon).

How to increase your idea's visibility and get more votes:
  1. Check if your idea has already been posted and vote for it before posting a new idea.
  2. Choose the right category: "New Provider" for content from a provider that has no available content in the KBs or CDI, or "Existing Provider" for content from a provider that already has content available in the KBs or CDI.
  3. Add a direct link to the provider/resource you suggest, and a contact person if possible.
  4. For enrichment requests add the relevant collection ID(s). 
  5. Make sure you mention any specific added value your idea has to the community such as language or supporting diversity.
  6. Did you find errors in an existing collection? please open a case.
  7. A new year has begun but no corresponding annual collection? post an idea in Idea Exchange, make sure to mention if it is an existing provider.

The categories for new content ideas are:
  1. Existing Provider - if your idea is for a new collection from a provider that already has content available in the KBs and CDI or enriching records for an existing collection, use this category. No voting is necessary, ideas for existing providers will be handled regardless of voting.
  2. New Providers - if your idea is for content from a provider that does not have any content available in the KBs and CDI, choose this category.
  3. Other - for non provider specific ideas

If you want to add an institutional repository, please open a case and follow the documentation here:

**Please be aware that ideas with no comments or votes for the past three years, and have less than 30 votes, will be closed. The closed ideas will still be available for review, and the votes will be freed up for supporting other content ideas.

**If you are a content provider, please review the submission guides for more information on how to reach out

530 results found

  1. LinkedIn Learning Videos

    please see to become a partner for LinkedIn Learning (formerly for bib records for their online courses. I believe this should be in CDI and/orPCI.

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    As we have not been able to reach an agreement with LinkedIn Learning we will close this request for now.
    We are still open to reconsidering this should there be interest from LinkedIn.

    Thank you for your contribution!

  2. JDreamⅢ for Discovery

    JDreamⅢ is a STM bibliographic database widely used in Japanese institutions.
    Adding this to Summon Index is highly desired.

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    Following discussion with the provider, we understand that this request requires further consideration on their side.
    For the time being, I am setting this request to “Closed”, until such time as the provider is able to supply this content.

    We will gladly re-open this request when relevant.

    Thank you for your understanding!


  3. Add Learning Express to Discovery, KB and Alma Community Zone

    There is currently no discovery for Learning Express. This database is used by all libraries in Texas and should be added to the Community Zone and PCI for indexing and discovery.

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    Following a discussion with EBSCO, they have provided the below explanation for your convenience. 


    Since each customer may have different Learning Express modules enabled, there is no standard set of MARC records for all customers. Additionally, Learning Express MARC records are updated quarterly, so customers would need to update their records consistently. Therefore each Learning Express customer would need to maintain their MARC records individually.

    Downloading MARC records for Learning Express is easy to do, and I am providing some documentation that you might pass along to your library customers:

    1) The following is a link to the Instructions for Accessing & Downloading MARC Records guide (.pdf):

    2) The following article is available on EBSCO Connect:

    LearningExpress - Accessing, Downloading and Updating MARC Records

    3) The link to access MARC records and to register for access to MARC records is the following URL:

    Note: To…

  4. F-Mesh in MARC21

    F-Mesh is a bilingual French/English version of the Medical Subject Headings (Mesh).
    We are a French speaking Library network using MARC21. We were very happy to hear that Alma now includes F-Mesh as a subject headings vocabulary. However, as it is available only in UNIMARC, we cannot use it. If you are in the same situation, then don’t hesitate to vote for this Idea!

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    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Hello all, 

    We have been unable to obtain these records independently and could not establish contact with the provider. Therefore we are closing this request until there is a change in this status. 

    If you have a contact that we can be put in touch with, we will gladly reopen this request. 



  5. NERS 2021 - Pressreader

    Add PressReader to Primo Central Index. Previously titled, PressDisplay, PressReader provides online access to approx 5,000 newspapers from over 100 countries around the world in over 60 languages in a full-color, full-page format. Viewers can browse articles and other key content, such as pictures, advertisements, classifieds, and notices. Customers have the ability to perform keyword searches across all titles and the entire archive. PressReader is already in Alma CZ.

    Title list:
    NERS Request ID: 4959

    NERS 2021 Request ID: 7566

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    Hello all, 

    Following discussions with Pressreader we have offered the solution of a webhook API, as this is the appropriate solution for this provider. 

    At this time Pressreader cannot technologically support this API solution and therefore we are closing this request. 

    If/when the provider is technologically able to support this solution, we will be happy to reconsider this request. 



  6. Add Urbadoc database to Primo Central index

    Urbadoc bibliographic database indexes european architectural journals and can enrich PCI with unique references.
    It would be very useful to have this database searchable in Primo Central Index.
    Urbadoc has an OAI-PMH data provider. More info at:
    Urbadoc URL:

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    Unfortunately Urbandata Association were not responsive so we will not be able to add their metadata to CDI.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  7. Add Council of Europe – Online resources to Alma's Community Zone

    We would like the e-books from the platform to be included in Alma’s Community Zone. The collection provides free e-books in various languages published by the Council of Europe.
    Subjects: The Council of Europe in brief  /  Human rights  /  Democracy  /  Law  /  Society  /  New technologies / Medias  /  Health  /  Culture, heritage, nature  /  The Council of Europe and the European Union  /  Minority rights  /  Education  /  Youth  /  Sport  /  Institutions  /  Resources for young people  /  Resources for teachers

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    Unfortunately, we did not receive any response from the provider.

    Therefore this idea will be closed.

    Thanks for your support,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  8. FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation publications

    FAO - have a huge amount of OA material available on their website. We would like to see the metadata for this available within the community zone.

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  9. CNKI CAJ Full-text Database

    CNKI CAJ Full-text database 中國期刊全文數據庫 is one of essential chinnese journals collection.

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  10. Encyclopaedia Universalis, with availability type "Link resolver"

    Encyclopaedia Universalis collection already exists in PCI, but the availability type is "Link in Record". It makes it impossible for patrons to access the fulltext.
    The availability should be "Link resolver", so the library can manage its proxy settings in the link resolver.

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    This content is available in our Knowledgebases and CDI. We have reviewed the request to switch to Link Resolver, and determined that the collection is best represented with the Link in Record method for best results. 

    Thank you, 


  11. INSPEC (IET)

    Inspec is one of the most definitive abstract and indexing databases for subject specific and interdisciplinary research in the fields of engineering, physics and computer science. Inspec is home to a vast collection of unique research, not available through any other database.

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    We are currently unable to reach an agreement with IET to ingest INSPEC in the Ex Libris Discovery products.
    Therefore this request will be closed.

    Thank you for your contribution!


  12. Bibliothèque numérique francophone

    The « Bibliothèque numérique francophone » ( is an initiative of the Réseau Francophone Numérique (FRN) launched officially in April 2017. It brings together representative collections (photographs, newspapers, posters, maps etc) of ten members of the Network selected for their heritage interest: Royal Library of Belgium, Library and Archives of Canada, National Library of France, Bibliothèque Haïtienne du Saint-Esprit, National Library of Luxembourg, Bibliothèque et Archives Universitaires d'Antananarivo, Bibliothèque nationale du Royaume du Maroc, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Swiss National Library.

    Please add Bibliothèque numérique francophone as a new resource in Summon

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  13. Add HeinOnline collections to Primo Central Index

    HeinOnline articles currently not discoverable in Primo.

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    At this time we do not have an agreement with Hein to ingest their content in our CDI.

    When we are able to reach an agreement we will work with them to ingest their content to the CDI. 



  14. Swissdox essentials (Swiss Newspapers)

    Please add Swissdox essentials to the Knowledge Bases (KBs - Alma CZ, SFX, 360) and Discovery services (CDI - Central Discovery Index).
    Access URL:
    Title List URL:
    Best regards,
    Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg (Switzerland)

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  15. 64 votes

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    Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain the metadata from the provider.

    I am closing this idea as we will not be able to process it.

    Kind regards,


  16. core

    CORE ( aims to aggregate all open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide and make these available to the public through a set of services including search, API and analytical tools. As of April 2017, CORE offers seamless access to 70,251,799 open access articles. CORE harvests, maintains, enriches and makes available metadata and full-text content (typically a PDF).

    Developed by the Knowledge Management Institute at the Open University, CORE came top in a recent list of top 21 freely available online journal and research databases for academics;

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    Hello all,

    As previously updated, following our extensive analysis and assessments of the complexity for both Ex Libris and CORE to provide and display this content on the necessary level of quality and currency, we will not ingest the CORE content.

    At this stage there is no change to this status and our decision, though we do routinely review the request. We will reopen the request should anything change.

    We continue to be interested in ingesting this type of content and are continuously working with providers to promote this activity.


  17. NERS 2021 - CrossAsia / xasia - eBooks, eJournals, Repository

    Please add the CrossAsia / xasia collections to Alma CKB, SFX and/or PCI/CDI:


    Alma CKB, SFX, PCI/CDI:

    xasia eBooks

    xasia eJournals
    (some e-journals are already in the Alma CKB, SFX: E-Collection "Open Journal System Heidelberg")


    xasia Repository

    NERS 2021 Request ID: 7528

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    Hello all, 

    CrossAsia/xasia is a third party distributor and does not hold the rights to share this metadata with Ex Libris. 

    For this reason we cannot proceed with this request. If there are individual providers supported by this platform that should be considered, we recommend submitting a separate request. 



  18. HOPE

    Open access platform of the University of Zurich.

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    Hello all, 

    Following multiple attempts to reach out to this provider (via, we are unable to establish contact, and therefore are closing this request. 

    If any community members have a known contact whom we can reach out to directly, we would be more than happy to reopen this request. 



  19. Proceedings of the British Academy

    Please add this as an electronic collection. Volumes 51-111 is an open access collection of titles:

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    We have been unable to establish contact with this provider, and therefore unfortunately need to close this request.

    Should we be able to establish contact in the future, we can consider renewing this activity.

    Thank you,

  20. Swisslex

    Would you please add Swisslex to the SFX Knowledge Base?
    Swisslex is a Swiss platform for legal publications. We are especially interested in the e-journals. (German: Zeitschriften)

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    Unfortunately, the provider is not producing metadata and are not planning to do so in the future.

    Therefore we will not be able to add this collection.

    Kind regards,


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