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270 results found
Show the details of contract with publishers concerning search target
Contents which are searchable in Summon differ per publisher or database.
It will be helpful for librarian if they could confirm the details of contracts about search target or the breakdown of search target in ClientCenter.4 votes -
Signature search
Our users search directly for the signature of a book. It would be a good supplement if this search option were supplemented.
4 votes -
Integrate NII's "cites/cited by" Information to Citation Trail
NII(National Institute for Informatics) provides "cites/cited by" Information.
It is very desireble to integrate this "cites/cited by" information to "Citation Trail", for there is not much Japanese article information in current "Citation Trail".4 votes -
Publisher search
It is too much required to add a publisher list in filter part to select search from specific publisher too
4 votes -
Improve the COinS metadata to include e-book URLs
Add ebook URLs to the Summon COinS metadata so it can be included when importing a bookmark or reference into other systems.
The COinS metadata available in the HTML of a Summon results page includes valuable information such as record ID, title, ISBN but it doesn't include the e-book URL. This is a problem if you want to bookmark items to Zotero, Talis reading lists or other systems.
4 votes -
Best bets and Database Recommender icon differentiation
We use both the Best Bets and Database Recommender features to promote databases in the context of a Summon search. We use the Best Bets feature to promote key databases for a subject and we use the Database Recommender feature to promote databases not indexed in Summon. Due to the tags used, a search will often retrieve both Best Bets and Database Recommenders. We would really like to either be able to customise the icons or have a different icon for each feature?
4 votes -
Lengthy Topic Explorer
The current Topic Explorer is so lengthy, possible to shorten it?
The whole page look very wordy.It would be good if we can add the logo of the resource also.
4 votes -
Make the 50-item limit on Saved Items in Summon configurable.
You can only save 50 items in the saved folder in Summon. It is not configurable.
4 votes -
Search Results Permalink
Clearly indicate to users that the search results page url is actually a permalink to the search results .... it is a permanent link that can be shared, emailed, etc.
4 votes -
Intota Consortium Sharing: Status should be inherited on title level as it is on database level
When you cancel a subscription to a single journal in a database in the “parent instance” in Intota and wish to be able to see all data entered (payments etc.) after the cancellation you must choose any other Status than “Not Tracked” for the journal in question. On the other hand, you must choose “Not Tracked” to remove the title from the eJournal Portals belonging to any “child instance” that have inherited the journal through Consortium Sharing. Setting Discovery to “Off” doesn’t solve the problem. This is both illogical and annoying.
4 votes -
Intota: Coverage Date to “Present” in LSH-databases shouldn't be converted to 01/01/1900
When you enter “Present” as “Coverage Date to”in Intota this is converted to the date 01/01/1900 in eJournal Portal. If you leave the “Coverage Date to” field blank, then eJournal Portal shows the end date of the holding as “to Present”. Our wish is that entering “Present” will show up as “to Present” in EJP as well.
4 votes -
Intota - Internal Resource Notes on titles in LSH databases should be saved
You are able to enter a text in the Internal Resource Note field on a title in a Library-Specific Holdings database.
It looks as if the text is saved but when you search for the title again you can see that it has not been saved.4 votes -
KBART exporting of 360 collections
We have the ability to import KBART files into 360 but lack the ability to export collections data in the KBART format. As a result, when libraries need our collections as KBART files we must map the 360 export to a KBART template. Allowing for KBART exporting would simplify this.
4 votes -
"Time Period" facet / filter > needs Reverse Alpha Sort
The "Time Period" facet / filer has sorts by numeric occurrence and by alphabetical sort; however, since many of the terms in the subfield are dates, the ability to find current dates requires you to scroll through way too many entries, since it begins with 1 AD. Request to provide a Reverse Alpha Sort (most recent - call it what you may) - so that users can on demand begin with the current era and work backwards.
4 votes -
Add the ability to reorder locations in Real Time Availability Results
Real time availability results display only one available location in the search results and the location name is in alphabetical order. We would like to order those locations so that our circulating collection locations appear first. Right now Archives (which is non-circulating) location displays first and users don't notice the arrow to click to see other locations/copies we have available. They often give up and assume we don't have the item in our main circulating collection. When users limit a search to a specific circulating location, but the results that appear say they are in Archives it is confusing.
4 votes -
Improve author search in Summon
Users are frustrated trying to limit a search to a specific author. I.e. using Author: "kelly, Daniel" - the results returned are for Kelly, Daniel J ; Kelly, Daniel P etc.
Why is this search function not more precise, and returning only Kelly, Daniel ?
4 votes -
Notification request for zero-title database
Sometimes, databases in KB seem to be changed to zero-title databases without notification.
For example, "Optica Conferene Papers" was changed to zero-title database and there was no notification through "Knowledge Articles" on Knowledge Center or "Knowledge Notification" on Client Center.Since it may be possible to use other databases to register titles recorded before one database changed to be zero-title one, I hope that notification through "Knowledge Articles" and "Knowledge Notification" to be published whenever Ex Libris makes databases a zero-title ones.
4 votes -
Integration of Summon search results when bibliographic records contain both physical and electronic inventories.
If a bibliographic record has the both physical and electronic inventories, Alma pushlishes each inventory as Physical Inventory and Electronic Enventory with different publishing ID to Summon. Accordingly, Summon can't do M&M, shows the multple results. This is not a good design.
4 votes -
Add "Game" to Content Types in Summon
Games have become an important way to teach concepts to GenX, Millennials and GenZ. Both at college level and for use in teacher training, games are a growing component of our collections. Users want to search for games in our collection. This content type would be very useful. In MARC this would translate into 008 character position 33 = g when Leader type is any of the following: o, r, g or k
4 votes -
"Citation Online" + Open Access logo in Summon
In the Summon results page, the mention "Full Text Online" is replaced by "Citation Online" for results beyond library collection.
I suggest an exception where this mention "Full Text Online" is not replaced for results beyond library collection, when these results are Open Access and when the Open Access logo is displayed.
3 votes
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