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270 results found
KBART exporting of 360 collections
We have the ability to import KBART files into 360 but lack the ability to export collections data in the KBART format. As a result, when libraries need our collections as KBART files we must map the 360 export to a KBART template. Allowing for KBART exporting would simplify this.
4 votes -
Statistics for Best Bets
I would love to get data on how effective our Best Bets are in Summon -- to get a sense of how often users are engaging with a Best Bet to find information or a resource, based on certain anticipated searching behavior. Such data would help me to decide how much time to invest in crafting future Best Bets -- particularly the tags. But I could also include the data in annual reporting.
21 votes -
Support subscriptions with embargoes or rolling cutoff dates
Right now, if a database collection you subscribe to includes journal date ranges like "to X years ago" Summon/CDI doesn't recognize the cut off date and simply includes the whole subscription up to present in your search index even though the articles are not accessible. When you click a link, it's up to the content provider to determine how to handle the incoming link. ProQuest Research Library, for instance, will not even show you the citation record, but a search error instead. Ideally, CDI would be intelligent enough to handle these rolling cutoff dates and only include recent articles as…
11 votes -
Accurate date of publication
Some times we have unclear publication date for a book, and in such case, we set eg.[19--] at 260$c in Alma.
Summon calculates it to 1900 and displays it at result page. We would like to display it as 260$c without no change.
Also eg.[201-] and Kanji notation [明治頃] as well.Thank you very much for your cooperation.
1 vote -
SummonとExribrisの検索結果に複数のCitation metrics(IF, FWCI, h-Index etc)を標準装備する
Summonのジャーナル論文検索結果にAlt metricsのドーナツが表示されている。
④高度かつハイブリッドな情報リテラシー教育支援コミュニティをベースにおくアグリゲータサービスの樹立を目指す1 vote -
No information on the necessity to use parentheses in complex queries on Summon Search Query Help
Currently, there is no information about the necessity to use parentheses in case of more complex search queries in the Summon Search Query help (at least in our library and I was told that the help page is the same around the world). Users who often use Google Scholar as a rule of thumb do not use parentheses because Google works well even without them but in case of Summon, the use of parentheses in more complex queries is essential.
Even on ExLibris Knowledge Center web (page Summon: Phrase, Field, Boolean, Wildcard and Proximity Searching - it is…35 votes -
Make the display order of Database Finder, custom panels, Topics, etc on the right side more customizable
Our students love Database Finder, but in many cases the list of matching databases can take up a lot of screen space in the right side pane. Custom panels, Topics, LibGuide results, etc get pushed down on the screen and aren't as visible. I'd like to be able to choose the # of database results that are initially displayed, with an option to see the rest of the list. I'd also like the ability to choose the display order of Database Finder, individual custom panels, and Topics.
1 vote -
Merge audio book holdings into the 'book' record in the same way as print and e-books
Audio books should be treated in the same way as e and print books and added to the master 'book' record as an additional holding. Currently we have to add audio books as a separate content type so they will always appear as a separate record to the print or e copy and won't be retreived by clicking on the 'book' content type.
1 vote -
Separate out translation for 'Full Text Online' to be independent from full text content link label
Request to separate translations out so we are able to change the facet label 'Full Text Online' independently without affecting the labels for our content links. We want our content links to use the same phrase as our other institutional systems, 'View online'. However, the phrase does not make grammatical sense as a facet label. At present these two labels are controlled from one phrase, 'Full Text Online' in translations.
1 vote -
Currently, our user can change language in the hamburgermenu of Summon.
We like to have a flag for each language instead of the choice in the hamburgermenu.3 votes -
Remove identical links in Summon results for eBooks
eBook titles that have a MARC record in Library Catalogue are duplicated in the Summon results as a single result entry with 2 links.
Advised by technical support that this is the current design, case response below. The two links (particularly in the new interface with dropdown is an extra step for users).
"ILS gets one record by 360 MARC update service and ILS sends the record to Summon.
Accordingly, the link URLs are same, however, Summon thinks there are two link candidates after M&M, one is from ILS, the other is from Ebook Central. Currently, this is a design."…
5 votes -
Idea for changing the results of the 360 API's calling to sort of order to the most recent first .
As the reaction to the release on 3rd Nov 2021 which has been provided on EJP, I'm suggesting of changing the results of the 360 API's calling to sort of order to the most recent
Because it become more usable if the platform which using this 360 API could display the databases with the most recent coverage first.
8 votes -
A more user-friendly way to manage Library Specific Holdings for our print serial
We would like to see a more user-friendly way to manage Library Specific Holdings for our print serials. Often, our holdings are not continuous; we have gaps in coverage. The only way to add additional dates of coverage is to "Add title" for each date range. 360 then merges the multiple date ranges into one serial record. Having the ability to manage multiple date ranges within one record would be helpful. This system limitation also affects editing. Right now, if you need to edit date ranges for one of these serials, you are only given the option to edit one…
3 votes -
EJP usage report : eBook and eJournal accessing counting through EJP
It would be better if we can build the EJP usage report, which can counting the eBook and eJournal accessing through EJP.
7 votes -
Add "Available physical items only" facet
Our library wish to make use of the RSS function to list out the latest available items for loan in LibGuide. However it comes with problem which the items in order (i.e. unavailable) are on the top of list. It would be better if the "Available physical items only" facet is available for filtering.
2 votes -
only show one open access button when both return a match
We turned on both the unpaywall and openaccess buttons in 360. Often there are matches in both, so both buttons display. We would like them to only show one in cases where both return a match. thanks for considering!
1 vote -
Allow 'article name' field to be applied to Oracle Analysis System reports
Allow the 'article name' field to be used in conjunction with 'title clicks' to produce a report that shows the frequency in which particular articles are clicked on in Summon.
1 vote -
MUSIC Content Type in Summon
It would be very helpful if Summon could separate music sound content from audio books/spoken word recordings and even from streaming audio. It would finally allow our music users to be able to limit their searches only to music relevant products.
5 votesAdminAmy Pemble (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
Returning this to the Ideas "pool" for voting by the community.
Allow hyperlinks in the Custom Text feature of the Detail Page
It would be great to be able to link to a contact form (or other webpage) from text in the Custom Text that can be added to the Detail Page in Summon.
3 votes -
Intota - Internal Resource Notes on titles in LSH databases should be saved
You are able to enter a text in the Internal Resource Note field on a title in a Library-Specific Holdings database.
It looks as if the text is saved but when you search for the title again you can see that it has not been saved.4 votes
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