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270 results found

  1. Add the ability to reorder locations in Real Time Availability Results

    Real time availability results display only one available location in the search results and the location name is in alphabetical order. We would like to order those locations so that our circulating collection locations appear first. Right now Archives (which is non-circulating) location displays first and users don't notice the arrow to click to see other locations/copies we have available. They often give up and assume we don't have the item in our main circulating collection. When users limit a search to a specific circulating location, but the results that appear say they are in Archives it is confusing.

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  2. Enable DOI search for not CrossRef DOI

    360 Link can search content by DOI published by CrossrRef.
    But DOI published by other institute (e.g. JaLC) is not searchable.
    So please enable DOI Search for not CrossRef DOI.

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  3. Fix inconsistencies with HTML display in Custom Panel Sections between admin and production

    The editor for Pages > Custom Panel Sections is inconsistent with what's displayed in the Summon interface.

    Example #1--I attempted to insert a line break (<br>) in the title of the panel (to have a two-line header for the panel). After submitting, the admin tool properly displayed the line break. In Summon, however, the title displayed as a single line with the "<br>" displaying. It would be good if the panel title display in the admin tool matched how the title would display in Summon.

    Example 2: I was editing the panel in source mode and entered bold tags (<b>,…

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  4. Make use of BL or LC Name Authority Headings

    Users would like to be able to differentiate between authors of the same name when searching Summon, using the Name Authority headings already available in the BL or LC catalogues/name authority indexes:
    HEADING: Kelly, Daniel, 1959-

    They can do this in our library catalogue, and expect the same in Summon

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  5. User defined facet

    Please add the feature "User defined facet".

    As Summon over Alma user, we feel current default facets sometimes are not enough to filter library records. For exmaple, there is no way to filter Print Journal. If Summon prepares "User difined facet", we can provide the detailed library records via Summon to our patrons.

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  6. custom panel collapse by default

    Allow for the custom panel to be collapsed by default. Instruction Librarians feel that displaying custom panel's create too much distraction on screen.

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  7. Sierra via Summon

    Enable the admin to remove the "Request" (Place Hold) button and functionality from the search results.

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  8. Sierra via Summon

    Include the number of checked outs, requests, messages, reading history in the title on the left.
    Include the total fees in the title on the left.
    See attached mobile screenshot.

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  9. Add an option to limit "Print resource"

    Summon has the refinement to filter the results to print books. We need an option to limit "Print resource" (not only book, but also, print journals, microfilms ...).
    Especially, Print journal is important for the customer Summon over Alma, since former ILS had it.

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  10. "Time Period" facet / filter > needs Reverse Alpha Sort

    The "Time Period" facet / filer has sorts by numeric occurrence and by alphabetical sort; however, since many of the terms in the subfield are dates, the ability to find current dates requires you to scroll through way too many entries, since it begins with 1 AD. Request to provide a Reverse Alpha Sort (most recent - call it what you may) - so that users can on demand begin with the current era and work backwards.

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  11. Would love to be able to search the Summon Idea Exchange by date of submission of the idea! What's new!?

    Would love to be able to search the Summon Idea Exchange by date of submission? Possible? What's the latest hot enhancements from say, the last three months rather than the last three years?

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  12. 'eBook Full Text Online' on Advanced Search option

    We'd like to add 'eBook Full Text Online' to 'Limit to' of Advanced Search option.

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  13. Option to rename CSL citation styles in admin console

    At this moment, the name of citation styles provided by RefWorks can be changed in Translataions tab in Summon Admin Console.
    As we can now load citation sytles from CSL styles repository, it would be great if library can customize the name of the CSL styles as as well.

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  14. Log Changes to Permissions

    Changes to Client Center Accounts permissions, i.e. 360 Link Admin Console, are currently not logged in 'View Changes'. We do not have a way to check the history of any permissions changes on the account at this time. Having this feature will help us minimize unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding.

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  15. Ebook Usage Report

    We can see e-Journal usage by title on 360 usage report but for e-Books, we only see Database lebel usage.
    It would be better if we can check e-Books title lebel usage.

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  16. Can Authentication Banner URL open in a new window?

    Since we use this banner url to guide users to VPN Help Page, it would be more convenient to let Authentication Banner URL open in a new window.

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  17. client center

    The Client Center staff-side user interface needs to be updated. It looks and functions almost the the same as it did when we first used Serials Solutions in 2004. It's slow and fails accessibility testing.

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  18. Integrate Summon with Sierra for Live Catalog Updates and Deletes

    Instead of sending the daily updates/deletes in Sierra catalog, having a process that preform this task instantly will improve the search results immediately and will free library staff to do other pending tasks

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  19. 7 votes

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  20. 360 Resource Manager - Contacts

    With many providers moving to URL-based customer support portals, it would be great if the 360 Resource Manager Contacts area had a URL field to record the support portal URLs.

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