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270 results found

  1. Revise display logic so that collection names do not display as corporate authors

    Based on the MARC 21 standards, collection names are in the 710 field. For example:

    710 2 Alumni Ph.D./Th.D. Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary)

    As in

    This is a typical way that most libraries handle their collection names. However, the current Summon mapping and display rules result in the collection name appearing as the author in the search results when there is not a main author for the work:

    Do black lives matter?: how Christian scriptures speak to Black empowerment
    by Alumni Ph.D./Th.D. Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary)
    edited by Bowens, Lisa M.; Edwards, Dennis R. (Biblical scholar)


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  2. 360 Admin API

    360 Admin API is still In Development, so please make it available soon.

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    This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.

    It will be reviewed and addressed by the regular workflow of content requests.

    My sincere apologies.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  3. Make automatic completion of bibliographic information selectable.

    As for ClientCenter, I would like the administrator to be able to select whether or not to apply the function of automatic completion of bibliographic information to titles registered in Library Specific Holdings. This is because it is sometimes preferable to register bibliography exactly as admin entered.

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  4. Changes to the default content type mapping to accommodate music

    The current default MARC field mapping for web resources and computer files includes an option for MARC field 008(026). For most content types, this field position indicates that the resource has online content or is accessed electronically.
    Music scores and sound recordings have a different set of values for the 008 field. Their data elements for the 008(26) position indicate that the resource has accompanying matter, such as historical information, biographical content, or a discography.

    By having the 008(26) as a default MARC mapping for all types, many music resources will get incorrectly identified as web resources or computer…

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  5. Include a mapping field for indexed names and titles

    Added entries in a MARC 7xx field should have their own Summon Field Name and be displayed in the preview and detail page. This is a basic need for music and sound recordings which often contain several titles by multiple people. Users will then be able to click on the indexed name or title in the display page and search for other resources containing it.

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  6. "Refine Your Search" improvement with OR search

    It would be useful to be able to narrow down "Refine Your Search" items by multiplying high priority items by OR search. For example, it would be good to be able to narrow down the search to only those contents that fall under either "Library Catalog" OR "Full Text Online". Currently, when all items in "Refine Your Search" are checked, they are narrowed down by AND search.

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  7. Limit purchase request by material type

    At present, purchase requests cannot be limited by material type, e.g. users can request that we purchase ebooks but not ejournals. I think this could be achieved with Display Logic.
    Can this functionality please be added?

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  8. CDI Display Document Attributes

    The "CDI Display Document Attributes" functionality in Primo allows preprints to be labelled. There is an ongoing problem in Summon where aggregators and publishers use the same electronic collections but provide a different level of access. Especially with preprints - which look like broken links because aggregators dont provide them but they are included in results because publishers do.

    This functionality could identify preprints so users would have a better idea of why they can't access them.

    Can this functionality please be made available to Summon users?

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  9. Summon UI Language to Be Transferred to Catalog UI

    Could you please make it available to configure language condition to the link from Summon to Catalog?
    This request is from a Japanese university.
    For example, it is preferable that a record on Summon (UI: English) leads to Catalog page of English version. Currently it is led to the default Japanese Catalog page even though Summon UI language is English.

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  10. Please change the contents of "Problem Link Report" email being sent out

    If you don't have the original text in Google Scholar and when clicking find@ and there will be a button to request help from the library. If you use that button to request a copy, an email will be sent to the administrator.

    Could you change the content of "problem link report" email form a little?

    1. Unfortunately, Korean translated version is currently not unavailable.

    2. We have noticed that the provided URL exhibits characteristics consistent with spam. We kindly request that you consider relocating it using the information provided below for improved reliability and security.

    3. Google Scholar has a button to…

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  11. Link Summon to Alma Sandbox

    As Summon over Alma customer, we request Summon Preview Environment is link to Alma Sandbox.
    For example, the link "My Library Account" is linked to "*****_INST:Services&section=overview&lang=e now.
    However, the link should be going to Sandbox.

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  12. Availability in Location Items section

    For a journal, each value in the calculated availability is calculated independently, based on the lowest and highest value of the items, even if they do not come from the same items.
    I.E: if we have the following items:
    2022,1 to 2022,4 and 2023,1

    in Summon the availability is displayed with:
    from:1 2022 until:4 2023

    instead of
    from:1 2022 until:1 2023

    We would like change the summary calculation in availability.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Start Collecting E Media reports (IR_M1) in Intota

    The COUNTER IRM1 report is necessary for ACRL IPEDS survey's e-media usage reporting. As many academic libraries must comply with this reporting, It would be greatly appreciated if you could begin collecting IRM1 reports.

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  15. removing the red “-1” Content Type exclusion indicator

    suggest removing the red “-1” Content Type exclusion indicator. We feel it comes across to users like a warning or error – an alert that is negative in nature. The navy “Selected” box at the top of the facet pane is a much friendlier and more useful indicator, and the exclusions are well marked in the Content type list itself, so the red “-1” indicator feels redundant and potentially misleading. If removing it isn't possible or palatable, please allow it to be disabled in the Summon admin module.

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  16. After updating library locations under Mapping the admin module, you must submit for approval and indexing can take several weeks. You must

    After updating library locations under Mapping in the admin module, you must submit for approval and indexing can take several weeks. You must keep checking back to see if the changes are "live" in the status field. Could the admin simply receive an email when they changes are live?

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  17. The ability to edit eBook title and publication year metadata in Summon

    Is it possible to give librarians the ability to edit certain eBook metadata (title, publication year) ourselves in order to improve match and merge functionality. We have so many duplicate records because the metadata from the Summon index is poor, titles and/or publication year are wrong, leading it to not merge with our catalog record. Is it possible to give the control to the Librarians to edit that metadata to allow for less duplicate records without having to put in Support tickets all the time with long lists of duplicate records to fix?

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  18. Index eBook content directly from publishers?

    Index eBook content directly from publishers. There seems to be more and more eBook titles from many of our collections that are not available in the Summon Index. Is there a way to get this metadata from other sources like directly from the publishers so that the ebooks will show in Summon without having to dump the records in from the catalog to get it in there?

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  19. Ability to self-sort library locations in mapping in Admin Console

    After making changes in Mapping>Library Locations in the Summon Admin console, it would be helpful to have the ability to sort the library locations table by both the Location Code or the Location Name. I make changes here based on a sorted list I receive from our cataloging department. Having the screen I initially see be sorted in alphabetical order (the same way I receive my list from cataloging) lets me eyeball how much work, if any, is needed. If I could see a sorted list, I could more easily see if we have a location code or a location…

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  20. Search by URL in the client center

    It would be great to be able to search a journal's URL in the client center. Sometimes I need to find out which collection uses a certain URL for a journal and doing a title search + checking each title individually is cumbersome.

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