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270 results found

  1. 110 votes

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  2. Expand Best Bets Characters to include :

    This would enable best bet recommendations for book and article titles that have a subtitle.

    At the moment tags for best bets have limitations on the types of characters that can he used i.e. letters, numbers or any of the following symbols (-_ .&/'@#). Colons (:) cannot be used. It would be very helpful to be able to use colons because of how common they are in titles. Our zero result usage stats show that our users are searching article titles that include a colon.

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  3. Make OA Content excludable

    Right now you can include OA content, which we like. But can we make a way to exclude it for the users who get confused when they expect to see an article and (for most OA articles) are dropped at the home page of the website?

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  4. Initiate Best Bets from the Resource.

    It would be simpler to add a check-box for Best Bet and text box to insert the description to the resource activation, than to enter that same information separately. Also, the Best Bet would then use the same version of the URL that the link resolver uses, and it would be updated when that URL changes in the Knowledge base.

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  5. Expand the 500 row limit on usage reports in Summon OBI

    Hello all,

    I have recently had to extract some statistics from the OBI interface and found out that there is a limit of 500 rows at a time. This seems like a tiny amount of rows, given that I used to extract 50,000 - 100,000 at a time from the old stats platform. For libraries that have to extract statistics in order to do analysis, etc, it seems like a good idea to expand this limit from 500 to a much higher number.

    When extracting statistics for March 2017 for one particular report (Zero Search Results), I had to extract…

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  6. Would love to be able to change the order of the content types on the left sidebar of the results page

    Instead of content type facet displaying the content types with the highest number of results, make it customizable so admin. can decide which ones show (and in which order) in the abbreviated list.

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  7. French topics be expanded to include other sources even if In other words, in the French language Summon interface, it is currently by desi

    French topics be expanded to include other sources even if we use a French language Summon interface.

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  8. Springshare Chat Widgets in Summon Mobile Friendly

    We have noticed with the Springshare v2 chat widget (LibAnswers) found in our Summon search page, it completely disappears when accessing it in a mobile device. With most of the links found in the Summon interface (such as the "Advanced Search" and "Add results beyond your library's collection"), they automatically get pushed into the hamburger menu.

    Is it possible for the LibAnswer’s chat widget (link) to be automatically pushed there also?

    We feel like users using mobile devices should be able to access our Library chat just in case they come across a reference question or would like to report…

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  9. Discover the DOIs not registered with CrossRef: problems with searching the italian titles by DOI numbe

    It would be really helpful to search for an article or chapter book, edited by italian publisher, through DOI number inside the relative eJournal Portal box or Citation Linker box
    Now, if I insert an "italian DOI number" a syntax error is showed or nothing happens (the page remain the same)

    In details
    with Casalini - Torrossa, is it possible reach directly the landing page through DOI URL -> ex.

    with DarwinBooks and RivisteWeb both by il Mulino, the landing page is showed after clicking on a link inside a pop-up page generated by the "mEDRA engine"

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  10. Support the use of French boolean operators

    Searching using the French boolean operators - et/ou/sauf -- is not currently fully supported in Summon. This would be a useful addition to those libraries who provide a French interface to their instance of Summon.

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  11. Be able to limit bX Recommendations to fulltext holdings in your library to avoid too many "not available" results

    Smaller academic libraries like community colleges will not have a lot of the recommendations suggested by bX Recommender, leading to too many "not available" results for students. For big university libraries who subscribe to 10 times the amount of content, this won't be an issues. For us smaller folks, it would be nice if we could limit bX recommendations to our own fulltext holdings so students would get usable results most or all of the time. bX recommender is otherwise a great tool for even the student who is new to college.

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  12. Bento Box design for Summon Search results based on Content Type

    Have search results display in a Bento Box design based upon content type...(like Vufind...)

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  13. Add geographic facet to the results page

    The ability to limit the search on the results page with a geographic subject facet. This would allow users to search within their results for items on regional specific items.

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  14. Responsive Design layout : Opting out of Topic Explorer for Single Column displays (cell phones)

    When using Summon on a cell phone with Topic Explorer, Wikipedia (when enabled) is on top - appearing to be the "number one" result. While having this in a side column is fine, we'd rather not have it so promonent on smaller screens.

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  15. Books that have popular alternative titles (i.e. 'Civil Procedure' = 'The White Book') should be searchable under those titles

    Books that have popular alternative titles (i.e. 'Civil Procedure' = 'The White Book' in most law libraries) should be searchable under those titles. At the very least Summon should prioritise the 246 alternate title field more than it currently does.

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  16. Better Branding Options

    Current option to add a logo is a recommended 312x53 size for the large logo. This seems like an odd size, but it also limits a library's ability to brand their Summon instances. It would be nice to offer a more flexible option so we can better brand our Summon instance so its clear to the user what they are searching and make our admin happy because we can use our official library/campus logo.

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  17. multi-site support

    We are based on 2 physical sites but due to subscription costs and specialisms of some resources, a number of our e-journals are restricted to one site. (the majority are now 2-site licences) - we have included all of them in summmon. Currently these resources show in the Summon search results but users on the other site just get dead links. We would like to be able to record these when we select them for the knowledgebase so users from the non-subscribing site just get a message saying to contact the library whilst users from the subscribing site get full…

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  18. Giving some Ahead of Print citations in Summon a status of Citation Online

    To date there is no way to give "Ahead of Print" citations in Summon a status of Citation Online for institutions that do not subscribe to the journal via the publisher's website. For instance, the following citation is listed in Summon:

    Sizing Up Skaters: An Interrogation of Body Discourses in Elite Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby
    by Draft, Amanda
    Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 02/2017
    Permanent Link:!/search?bookMark=ePnHCXMw42LgTQStzc4rAe_hSmGAHKcDLCD1y4F5JAu0mspUF5SWmMDzvcA-jKkFMEdxAvsmxsCOjJkhB3yFhompBSdDYnBmFbAUVwgtUAjOTgQdOWml4JinAB4wK8pPB7tfIT9NwSk_pVLBJbM4OR-8-kEhM0_BFbSNVwF8FeSjhpnFCm45iSUKwDogOVsBdOR1apGCC9DtwMaYvptriLOHLqxiii-AnPQQD24hGxnHg10eD3I5-CxNY9J1AAAFqlTS

    From Duke University, this links to a "Your initial search query did not yield any results" message in EBSCOhost. This occurs because this article is Ahead of Print content on…

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  19. Add Content Type: Yearbook

    Suggestion for DC:Type Yearbook to categorize digitized yearbooks.

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  20. When bibliographical records contain two edition statements show both in the results list

    I would like to suggest that when bibliographical records contain two edition statements (e.g. Eighth edition and international edition) in separate 250 fields, that both appear in the record in the Summon results list

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