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53 results found

  1. Ability to add custom filters/facets on the advanced search screen and result set screen

    Hi --

    Can someone include a way to search within databases in both the advanced search screen and a facet to narrow by database? This way if a result is returned, we can then narrow results down by db?

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  2. Make searches with ‘query expansion’ customisable

    We would like to be able to add, remove or edit query expansion topic matches to improve the topic and subject matches and prevent incorrect query expansion.

    Query expansion is supposed to link synonymous subjects and topics, so the user doesn’t have to enter all terms in their search (e.g. ‘heart attack’ and ‘myocardial infarction’). Sometimes the query expansion function gives incorrect or unhelpful topic matches. For example a search for ‘civil litigation’ automatically expands to include ‘jurisprudence’. These are not synonymous terms.

    ExLibris tell us that currently it isn’t possible to change or remove specific instances of query expansion,…

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  3. Add the ability to reflect access frequency to relevancy ranking

    A mechanism that automatically takes records from databases with high access frequency to the top of the search results preferentially.

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  4. Add the ability to accept online payments, for example fines, via WPM on Summon over Alma

    Currently there is no option to accept online payments with instances of Summon over Alma (unlike Primo over Alma). This ability would enable us to improve our self service functionality.

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  5. Make combination of "Fulltext Online" and facet "Library Location" results possible

    Many of our patrons are interested in setting the filters to results available in the specific library location they are actually working in. They miss a functionality to combine fulltext results with the specific library holdings.

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  6. Higher relevance for local language and English

    At Swedish universities, both English and Swedish is used, but not really other language (unless, of course, you study that language). I guess this situation is quite common in several countries - items in English + in the local language are welcome, but items in other languages should be ranked lower.
    Example: If we search for "Manuel Castells", our books in Swedish by this author are ranked much lower than, for instance, articles in Spanish about the author.

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  7. Avoid redundancy and outdated data while displaying results

    Availability of "Display latest editions only" and "Remove the duplicates" options.

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  8. Retrieve similar documents using the native 'MoreLikeThis' Lucene feature

    Lucene's 'MoreLikeThis' feature retrieves similar documents based on a seed, which can be either a piece of text, or an already retrieved document (syntax-free search).

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  9. Expand Best Bets Characters to include :

    This would enable best bet recommendations for book and article titles that have a subtitle.

    At the moment tags for best bets have limitations on the types of characters that can he used i.e. letters, numbers or any of the following symbols (-_ .&/'@#). Colons (:) cannot be used. It would be very helpful to be able to use colons because of how common they are in titles. Our zero result usage stats show that our users are searching article titles that include a colon.

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  10. Discover the DOIs not registered with CrossRef: problems with searching the italian titles by DOI numbe

    It would be really helpful to search for an article or chapter book, edited by italian publisher, through DOI number inside the relative eJournal Portal box or Citation Linker box
    Now, if I insert an "italian DOI number" a syntax error is showed or nothing happens (the page remain the same)

    In details
    with Casalini - Torrossa, is it possible reach directly the landing page through DOI URL -> ex.

    with DarwinBooks and RivisteWeb both by il Mulino, the landing page is showed after clicking on a link inside a pop-up page generated by the "mEDRA engine"

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  11. multi-site support

    We are based on 2 physical sites but due to subscription costs and specialisms of some resources, a number of our e-journals are restricted to one site. (the majority are now 2-site licences) - we have included all of them in summmon. Currently these resources show in the Summon search results but users on the other site just get dead links. We would like to be able to record these when we select them for the knowledgebase so users from the non-subscribing site just get a message saying to contact the library whilst users from the subscribing site get full…

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  12. Add "Search" functionality to Selected Online Resources

    Add search functionality to Selected Online Resources so users do not have to click through page after page of resources.

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  13. More cleary identify between full-text articles and full-text abstracts

    As an electronic resources librarian, I often get patron-confusion reports when they believe they cannot access a full-text article; often enough the full-text of the article is not available online, but the article's abstract is. Icons in Summon often represent these abstracts as full-text articles.

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