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53 results found
Allow to limit search results by word or page count, or a document length range
This should get rid of minor articles such as might appear when searching in newspapers. Also, it might help in further weeding-out book reviews. Plus, there are times users want articles that discuss an issue in-depth and they don't want a 2-page article from some journal. Conversely, I've helped users who get huge articles from journals who would like to find articles that are just 3-4 pages in length, etc.
6 votes -
Add options in advanced search
Improve advanced search by enabling
1. Option to exclude Open Access content (see only subscribed content)
2. Option to exclude library collection (see only non-subscribed content)2 votes -
There is no way to mass unapply database filters (except by clearing all filters).
When you apply database filters to a search term and then start a new search, those databases still show as selected and you have to untick them one by one. The only way to clear them is either manually or by using "Clear all filters", but that also clears other filters such as fulltext online, etc.
Can we have an option to mass unapply database filters?
1 vote -
Make the 50-item limit on Saved Items in Summon configurable.
You can only save 50 items in the saved folder in Summon. It is not configurable.
4 votes -
Database recommendations based on content type facet
Currently the database recommender is powered by tags (and an algorithm based on the result set?). We would like for the content type facet to also power database recommendations. For example, if the music facet is selected, Naxos is recommended. If the standards facet is selected, Standards Australia is recommended. The new database facet assists with this to a degree, but it is not foolproof.
0 votes -
Add NoodleTools to the Citation export option in the Summon results list
INclude NooleTools Citation platform under the "export to" options for items int he results list.
1 vote -
add "film review" content type
Summon has a "book review" content type, but no "film review" content type.
There is no intuitive way to find film reviews, which may be tagged as "book review." This can be confusing when searching for reviews of a book that was made into a movie.1 vote -
Index the Journal of Clinical Ethics at the article level
I've been receiving reports from users that note linking to specific articles in the Journal of Clinical Ethics via Summon is currently problematic. The article links in Summon will bring users to the latest issue of appropriate journal, but not to the article specified.
Here’s four examples that have been noted:
De Vries, RG, Paruchuri, Y, Lorenz, K & Vedam, S (2013) Moral Science: Ethical Argument and the Production of Knowledge about Place of Birth, Journal of Clinical Ethics, 24:3, 225-38.Howe, EG (2013) When a Mother Wants to Deliver with a Midwife at Home, Journal of Clinical Ethics, 24:3,…
9 votes -
Sorting results by citation counts
Some databases have an option to sort results by citation counts. This function is also beneficial for Summon user. In fact, I have received requests for this function from some of end users .
7 votes -
ability to disable message for the public display of A&I "not available"
Allow library to choose whether to display or not display the "not available
" messageCan this portion of the A&I Detail page be configurable - while useful for the librarians, not so great a recommendation for the public, telling them all the places where their article isn't available.
cf case # 00710757
1 vote -
Allow configurable for "Export To" function
HKPL suggested to be configurable for "Export To" function, allow enable/disable it, as well as enable/disable different export types (that is RefWorks, EasyBib, EndNote, Zotero, BibTeX, Citavi).
13 votes -
Related items functionality should be implemented separately for journal articles and book chapters so you can opt in separately.
We need the ability to turn off Chapters until it works properly. The book Reviews tab isn't an issue.
2 votes -
Allow users to browse the "Virtual Shelf"
The Virtual Shelf tab would appear for each record on the search results page. It would allow users to browse items based on the location of an item in the search results. Then the user could navigate through items "on the shelf".
12 votes -
Library Locations > Translation in english
The library's locations are currently displayed in German only. We would like to add the English terms.
With the language setting "German" the locations should be displayed in German - as it is currently. In addition, the terms of the locations should be displayed in English in the language setting "English".
26 votes -
Option to toggle WoS / Scopus citation counts in search results
It would be good if we could choose to make either WoS or Scopus citation counts visible in Summon, instead of having to have either both or neither switched on.
Because we no longer subscribe to WoS but do subscribe to Scopus, the only way we could get WoS citation counts removed from the Summon search results was to untrack Web of Science in Intota. We don't like to untrack resources that we've previously subscribed to, because doing so means we can't see any of the historical data attached to Web of Knowledge collection databases. This is just how Intota…
4 votes -
Add "Search within journals"
I'd like to cross-search between multiple journals I designate.
There is "Search within a journal," but it's only for one journal. Please add the facet for multiple journals or the function something like that.19 votes -
Automatic holdings update message
Change the link behind the 'New!xx/xx/2019' message that displays when Ebook Central Perpetual and DDA automatic holdings have been updated so that the link displays the updated titles themselves, not the summary screen of total titles held in the package.
It's not possible currently to easily identify which titles have been added on that date to match against Libcentral & ensure all the titles we have access to display in Summon
6 votes -
Create widgets that include limits by publication
Currently you can create widgets with filters by discipline, content type, etc., but it would be very handy to create widgets that could search within a set of publications--for example, if you could add a query for a string of ISSNs and limit the search to certain highly specialized journals. This would be great for niche fields or some disciplines that are not represented in the list of disciplines (like rhetoric and composition).
6 votes -
Signature search
Our users search directly for the signature of a book. It would be a good supplement if this search option were supplemented.
4 votes -
LC Call Number Browse Relevance Searching
When searching by LC call number in Summon, it matches to the Cutter number as well as to the LC call number. The default "relevance" ordering doesn't put the call numbers that begin with the LC call number at the top of the list. There isn't a choice to force that ordering. In Alma, it is possible to search by shelf list, so it shouldn't be that difficult to do the same on the public side of a shelf list.
2 votes
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