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53 results found

  1. Search Scope based on a selection of databases, library catalog + open access in CDI

    Search Scopes are based on the fields available in the Advanced Search (Search Options) and are useful to our current students, faculty and staff. I'd be really excited to create a scope in Summon for our alumni. Alumni have access to content from a selection of our databases, so being able to present them with a search scope that, for example, includes e-books, journals and articles only from that subset of databases (plus open access things and the print materials in the catalog) would save them the aggravation of, say, clicking on a ProQuest Ebook Central title, and being denied…

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  2. Changes to the default content type mapping to accommodate music

    The current default MARC field mapping for web resources and computer files includes an option for MARC field 008(026). For most content types, this field position indicates that the resource has online content or is accessed electronically.
    Music scores and sound recordings have a different set of values for the 008 field. Their data elements for the 008(26) position indicate that the resource has accompanying matter, such as historical information, biographical content, or a discography.

    By having the 008(26) as a default MARC mapping for all types, many music resources will get incorrectly identified as web resources or computer…

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  3. "Refine Your Search" improvement with OR search

    It would be useful to be able to narrow down "Refine Your Search" items by multiplying high priority items by OR search. For example, it would be good to be able to narrow down the search to only those contents that fall under either "Library Catalog" OR "Full Text Online". Currently, when all items in "Refine Your Search" are checked, they are narrowed down by AND search.

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  4. Limit purchase request by material type

    At present, purchase requests cannot be limited by material type, e.g. users can request that we purchase ebooks but not ejournals. I think this could be achieved with Display Logic.
    Can this functionality please be added?

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  5. Integration of Summon search results when bibliographic records contain both physical and electronic inventories.

    If a bibliographic record has the both physical and electronic inventories, Alma pushlishes each inventory as Physical Inventory and Electronic Enventory with different publishing ID to Summon. Accordingly, Summon can't do M&M, shows the multple results. This is not a good design.

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  6. allow more content types to link out to resource from catalogue

    It would be great if catalogue records, which contains an 856, could link directly to the resource from Summon. At present this can only be done if the record is an eBook, eJournal or a Journal.
    Linking back to the catalogue record isn't an ideal scenario for the end user when all they wnat is to get to the online resource.

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  7. Improve author search in Summon

    Users are frustrated trying to limit a search to a specific author. I.e. using Author: "kelly, Daniel" - the results returned are for Kelly, Daniel J ; Kelly, Daniel P etc.

    Why is this search function not more precise, and returning only Kelly, Daniel ?

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  8. Add the ability to reorder locations in Real Time Availability Results

    Real time availability results display only one available location in the search results and the location name is in alphabetical order. We would like to order those locations so that our circulating collection locations appear first. Right now Archives (which is non-circulating) location displays first and users don't notice the arrow to click to see other locations/copies we have available. They often give up and assume we don't have the item in our main circulating collection. When users limit a search to a specific circulating location, but the results that appear say they are in Archives it is confusing.

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  9. SAML authentication

    We would like to login with SAML through eduGAIN

    There is a "new" interfederated login with SAML through eduGAIN

    Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) is a member of the Swedish Academic Identity Federation – Swamid.
    There are similar solutions for universities around the world.
    Swamid is a member of the Interfederation eduGAIN (

    Our IdP is published through the Swamid Metadata and eduGAIN interfederated Metadata.
    The metadata for the IdP (supplied through Swamid/eduGAIN) is stripped, so it only contains the necessary information for the federated authentication.
    We prefer that all federated authentication and Metadata exchange are handled through…

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  10. Option to rename CSL citation styles in admin console

    At this moment, the name of citation styles provided by RefWorks can be changed in Translataions tab in Summon Admin Console.
    As we can now load citation sytles from CSL styles repository, it would be great if library can customize the name of the CSL styles as as well.

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  11. "Time Period" facet / filter > needs Reverse Alpha Sort

    The "Time Period" facet / filer has sorts by numeric occurrence and by alphabetical sort; however, since many of the terms in the subfield are dates, the ability to find current dates requires you to scroll through way too many entries, since it begins with 1 AD. Request to provide a Reverse Alpha Sort (most recent - call it what you may) - so that users can on demand begin with the current era and work backwards.

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  12. MUSIC Content Type in Summon

    It would be very helpful if Summon could separate music sound content from audio books/spoken word recordings and even from streaming audio. It would finally allow our music users to be able to limit their searches only to music relevant products.

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  13. Search keywords should remain after logging in to EZProxy

    When users log in to EZProxy from the authentication banner at the top of Summon,
    the keywords they were searching just before will be reset, so users will need to enter the keywords again.
    It would be convenient for them if the search keywords were inherited even after logging in to EZProxy.

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  14. Do not allow eBook and Computer File records to match and merge with each other

    There are CDI records, largely listed as eBooks but they seem to be merging with other catalog records with the 'Computer File' content type.

    The result is that e-books are displayed as computer files via the filter.

    This is confusing for users, and the merges may be causing more frustration than good.

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  15. Search Results Permalink

    Clearly indicate to users that the search results page url is actually a permalink to the search results .... it is a permanent link that can be shared, emailed, etc.

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  16. Move Cites/Cited by data to the right pane "custom panel"

    In order to reduce patron confusion, I would like see the Cites/Cited by information to be displayed in the right-hand pane. This would reduce confusion and allow patrons to see their search results simultaneously with citations. Additionally, I would retain the title of the result on which I clicked.

    This makes functionality more similar to "Related Items"

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  17. MyResearch Access in Summons

    Provide access to a user's ProQuest MyResearch Account ...permanent and individual folder for saving articles, searches, alerts, etc.

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  18. Have the ability to change from OR to AND in the list of subjects

    Right now, unless something has changed, when we use the Subjects list to apply additional terms, the OR statement is automatic and there is no alternative. However, that is not necessarily how a student thinks when selecting Subjects. There are many times one will want to have more than one subject term added to the search with an AND statement.

    So, for example, if I am looking at "emergency nursing" and I see in the subjects list "hospitals" and "health policy & services" I may want both terms in my search not either.

    If it's doable, it would be nice…

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  19. Workable automatic authentication of ExLibris books purchased in Summon

    Can we please have an automatic authentication system for ExLibris books we purchase that works? The current system does not work.

    We have had significant problems with a delay between purchasing a books via ExLibris and these books being searchable in our Summon- backed library site (books purchased on 22.9 are still not viewable on 2.11 - despite countless emails and tickets).

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  20. Improving the timing of the SpringShare chat prompt appearing in Summon

    We're delighted that we could integrate SpringShare Chat functionality into our Summon interface. However, we feel it could be improved by delaying the appearance of the chat prompt message for this functionality on screen.

    As you can see from the file, a message appears asking users whether they'd like to chat to one of the Library Team - that's great! - but the speed of which it appears is almost instantaneous and often before users have had chance to look at their results.

    Is there any way that you could make a fix for Summon to delay this slightly so…

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