Send List button enhancement
In Q1 2019, we plan to have some modifications to the Leganto "send list" functionality.
SEND LIST button in Leganto will only be enabled when a change made to the list after the last time it was send for review. If no change made in the list, the send button will be disabled.
When SEND LIST is enabled and active, it will be more visible (i.e. animation) to attract the eye of the instructor.
As part of this enhancement, we plan to entirely separate the Send List to Library functionality from the Publish List functionality.
Currently, publishing a list also sends the list to the library for processing: it changes the list and citations statuses from Being Prepared to Ready for Processing, updates the list’s Requested for Review On date, and creates a task for the library.
The new functionality is that the above changes will happen only if the instructor selects Send List. Publishing the list will change only the Publication Status.
We wanted to update you and to receive any remarks you might have on this change of functionality.
Miriam, Leganto BA
Developed as part of the Leganto January release
Katharine Thompson commented
The Publish list function is hidden in the menu and we find tutors often forget to do this, or find it hard to locate. Ideally we'd like the option to be able to configure the Send to List button to Publish the list at the same time. Regardless of this, the Send to List button does need to be animated if a change is made if the list owner is to be prompted to click it. it would also be useful if a dialog box could pop up if the list owner clicks away from an amended list without clicking Send to Library prompting them to click the button.
Derek Chen commented
UNSW Library just want to ensure our current reading list processing workflow will remain the same if the above change is applied (This has been functioning what you see below for about two years. UNSW uses both reading list and citation status determine what will be processed and has not used the ‘Sent List’ option to trigger processing).
Any citations added by an academic appears in Alma and we are able to process the reading list and citations. This is not dependent on an academic Publishing the list or choosing the ‘Send List’ option.
Once a reading list has a status of ‘Complete’, any citations added/edited will result in the reading list and citation having their status updated to ‘Ready for Processing’. Again, this is not dependent on an academic Publishing the list or choosing the ‘Send List’ option.
Kendall Kousek commented
I agree with the other comments that it is useful for the status to be updated upon Publishing if the list has not yet been Sent.
Lyn Porteous commented
We find that instructors rarely use the Send List button, so we like the fact that the act of Publishing the list changes statuses to SENT, therefore we would not like the Send List and Publish to be separated.
It would be good if the Send List was more prominent to encourage staff to perhaps send the list sooner.
Heather Quinn commented
The action of publishing a list and hence moving to "Ready for Processing" is a good marker and fall-back for us, as academics often find the options confusing. However, they also often forget to publish a list as it not clear to them to do so and this leave lists hanging at "Being Prepared" and in draft.
It would be good if any enhancements could make the entire "publish" and "send to library" functionality clearer for users. Agree: an animation to attract the eye would be good.
lsheedy commented
Agreed: SEND LIST button in Leganto will only be enabled when a change made to the list after the last time it was send for review. If no change made in the list, the send button will be disabled. (We would like the Send List button to remain Disabled if the new item is marked "Complete" but active if the item is "Being Prepared")
Agreed: When SEND LIST is enabled and active, it will be more visible (i.e. animation) to attract the eye of the instructor.
Disagreed: As part of this enhancement, we plan to entirely separate the Send List to Library functionality from the Publish List functionality. (We like that if Send List is not clicked that it is "sent" at the time of Publishing and would like to retain this as functionality).
Ben Catt commented
We don't use the 'send list' functionality, as our staff only work on citations which are not attached to repository (i.e. not in stock, need to purchase), or those which are tagged for digitisation. They work across all lists simultaneously, rather than on a list-by-list basis. This enhancement therefore would not be useful to us.