Suppress tags from specified citation material types
We would like to be able to hide certain tags from specific material types, for example hide our 'Digitisation request' tag from citations which are already available electronically.
Deborah Fitchett commented
Our use case: we have some questions set up that result in:
* question 1 - tags to put physical books on short loan
* question 2 - tags to request more licenses/restrict downloads of ebooksCurrently we display these to lecturers but don't let them edit them later, even though it would be useful for them to do so if they change their mind. This is because if we enable editing of these tags, they appear as options on all material types, which adds clutter and confusion. So instead we have to turn off the option entirely, and if they want to take something off 2-hour loan they have to email / use the Discuss feature instead of simply removing the tag.
Linda Pover commented
As this idea has been accepted for development (December 2020), do we have a planned release date for this functionality?
Olivia Walsby commented
We would also like to be able to hide Instructor-Library tags option for certain citation types, as they are being used to determine library purchase requests so are only relevant on books (ie. not Journals and websites etc.) Therefore in settings we would like to see the option for select item type for tags which I think correlates with this request too.
Ben Catt commented
Hi Chris. No, I don't think this has been addressed. We would still want the tag type to be Instructor-Library (and visible to lecturers), it's just that we would like to be able to hide the tag if the citations already have electronic availability.
Chris Jones commented
Has this one been addressed indirectly from the August 2018 release? 'existing Library tag type was renamed Instructor-Library. A new tag type, Library-Internal, was added and is visible only by librarians (in Alma and Leganto)'.