Conformation and Manual Linking for Resource Locate actions on Citations
It would be great if, using the option to Resource Locate on a citation, there was an option to confirm/decline that the correct inventory was matched through the process before the link takes place.
If we also had the option to manually search for the correct inventory when declining in the above step when the Resource Locate fails to link to the correct inventory, between both of these options we could ensure that the citation links to the inventory we intend.
This would solve the problem which is faced now, that when Resource Locate is used and Alma determines and incorrect match, it links the citation without any user conformation or intervention.
Currently the only way to circumvent this is to re-edit the citation attributes to values which will not match when Resource Locate is run again, thus unlinking, then adjusting the Citation Attributes to more closely match the correct inventory and attempting Resource Locate again in the hopes the match is made correctly this time.
Available in August release
Jane F commented
It would be nice to have a preview option of the resource locate action before we decide whether to apply it or not. Either on individual or bulk resource locate.