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245 results found
Customer setting to disable automatic assignment of reading lists
We would like the option to globally disable the automatic assignment of reading lists to staff who work on a list. Automatic assignment adds an extra step when staff are searching for lists.
9 votes -
Move Material type field to the top of the Editing form
We think the field for material type should be moved to the top of the Editing form.
This makes sense for several reasons.
- It makes sense to define a document before registering it, and that’s where cataloguers start.
- Different document types have different sets of fields, and choosing the material type first would ensure that the instructor starts registering in the correct form.
- When changing the material type during the process, some fields may move or disappear, including fields the instructor had just been working on, leading to a poor user experience.
- User creating a chapter…32 votesThis request was partially developed in August release under ‘citation mapping field’.
Fields that are mandatory to all the types such as title and type are in a standard structure and therefor can’t be mapped.
Develop an update process between the Parent record (ALMA) and the added appointment in Leganto
It is important that they develop an update process between the Parent record and the added appointment in Leganto, that is, whenever there is an update or change in the records (MARC, holdins, items) of Alma that are referenced in the lists of reading Leganto. Currently these changes are not automatically updated in the reading lists . Por example we make changes at the classification level, in metadata and reading lists in Leganto are altered and we must re-reference or load the lists. It would be a excelllent if this process were automatic.
Thank you162 votesAvailable in Feb release
Leganto Instructor Rollover - Allow citation "Additional Resource Information" to be copied to the rolled over list
As library staff, I would like the "Additional Resource Information" for Citations to be copied to the rolled over list, so that I can keep the additional sources for the citation (in addition to the source in the Resource Information area) I manually added to citations in the original list.
Current Behaviour:
1. Rollover the list
2. Find out which Citations have Additional Resource Information
3. Manually add the "Additional Resource Information" source information to the Citations in the rolled over listProposed Behaviour;
1. Rollover the list, Additional Resource Information is copied through to the new list9 votesAvailable in November release
Leganto Instructor Rollover - Allow Library Internal Notes to be copied to the rolled over list
As library staff, I would like the Library Internal Notes to be copied to the rolled over list, so that I can keep the information I recorded in original list.
Internal Notes for a Citation or a Reading List may include:
- special copyright/license information,
- special considerations/actions
- historical decisions or agreements14 votes -
Sort templates in Leganto
When there are a lot of template to choose from, they should be automatically sorted alphabetically and /or the library should be able to sort and arrange them manually.
1 voteAvailable in the new UI as of the January 2024 release.
Hide old courses
Some course are run every semester which means there are potentially two courses to choose from when associating a list to a course.
There is a risk that the instructor chooses the wrong/old course.
It would be a nice feature to be able to hide old courses from instructors without deleting them from Alma, as they still might be useful.3 votes -
Allow quick linking back to reading list from citations view
From citations view, if we need to access the associated reading list in order to make any changes, we must follow a very complicated path to get back to said reading list. This path is very click-intensive.
Preferred functionality would be for the Reading list entry in each citation (in Citations view) to be a hyperlink which resolves directly back to said reading list for quicker processing.
24 votesAvailable in May release
Add additional filtering options in Citations view
When working in Citations view, we frequently have the need to know which citations belong to which processing department in order to batch process citations. Currently functionality does now allow us to view citations by processing department. Therefore we must instead go into each reading list in order to investigate which citations are not yet marked as compete. It would be much more efficient to be able to filter on and view a complete list of citations that need attention.
We also use the term field to help differentiate courses. Neither the reading lists view nor the citations view allows…
13 votesPartly done in the December 2018 release, please review.
Make a list complete automatically if all of the items on the list are complete
When processing a reading list, library staff set each individual item as complete as they arrive for the reserve shelf and are ready to be used. Library staff must then take an additional step to mark the entire list as complete, even though each individual item has already been marked as complete.
Currently functionality requires the reserves managers to find outstanding requests by reading list and not by outstanding citation when more than one person works on reserves. This results in a very time-intensive process for units who hold reserves on a large scale.
Desired functionality is to have the…
19 votes -
Ability to search for and delete Courses that do not have a Reading List attached
To ensure that the LTI link works between our LMS and Alma we have to create a Course Record for all units that utilise the LMS. This results in thousands of Course Records being created in Alma each semester. However since not all units in the LMS use a Reading List only a fraction of these Course Records eventually have a Reading List attached. Therefore we have a lot of empty Course Records in Alma cluttering up the Course area in Alma and resulting in some confusion for Library staff in identifying active, current courses.
This problem will only continue…
14 votesAvailable in Dec release in course bulk update job
Analytics – allow student usage to be measured by any specified date range
We would like to be able to specify any date range (e.g. 1-30/09/2018) for this Student Usage Subject Area. Currently in Alma/Leganto Analytics, student usage statistics can only be measured by week (starting on Mondays). The enhancement would give us more flexibility in reporting to senior management. This also helps us to align/merge student usage reports with reports from other subject areas (or other systems such as Moodle, Google Analytics), which are not restricted to weeks.
Other scenarios where this enhancement would help:
- Monthly/yearly reports
- Reports to compare usage before/after functionality/configuration/workflow changes on a specific day23 votesAvailable in Sep 2019
Reuse list button on splash screen
When users first enter Leganto via the LTI, before they have created a list for the current course, they see a splash screen with options to Create a new list from scratch or upload a list. A better option would be to replace the Upload button with a Reuse button, so that it is easy for users to get to the right place to find previous lists to reuse. Reusing a list from a previous semester is by far the largest use case for our faculty, and the splash screen makes it very difficult to see how to do that.…
30 votesAvailable in August release.
Enable Leganto users to "Unlike" citations
Once a Leganto user has liked a citation, they are not able to change their mind and "unlike" it.
Across social media the pattern is that “likes” can be removed – and this is what our students/instructors would expect.
• In training, or in class when demonstrating the feature, and then wanting to reverse it
• Accidentally clicking the Like
• Liking a citation, and then realising it was a different one that you wanted to like
• Liking a citation and then changing your mindConsideration should be given to whether liking/unliking is locked once a list is "inactive".…
34 votesAvailable in August release
Send List button enhancement
In Q1 2019, we plan to have some modifications to the Leganto "send list" functionality.
SEND LIST button in Leganto will only be enabled when a change made to the list after the last time it was send for review. If no change made in the list, the send button will be disabled.
When SEND LIST is enabled and active, it will be more visible (i.e. animation) to attract the eye of the instructor.
As part of this enhancement, we plan to entirely separate the Send List to Library functionality from the Publish List functionality.
Currently, publishing a list also…20 votesDeveloped as part of the Leganto January release
File Upload Copyright options to be visible when loading on the screen
When a reading list creator uploads a file into a reading list, the File Upload Copyright options are not all immediately visible. If there is more than three, it is necessary to scroll down to see the rest of them.
It would be preferable if all File Upload Copyright options could be visible when the sections loads.
6 votesIn June release we moved up we moved up the file upload—this seems to be fixed now.
Improve Leganto linking when user isn't already logged in
We've recently gone live with Leganto and Ex Libris have advised we come here with this issue. Students cannot use the Permalinks function to link to individual lists/items, and we expect users are going to just copy or bookmark Leganto URLs from the browser bar instead, but those URLs don’t seem to work at all unless the user is already in toLeganto. If they're not already logged in, trying to access a Leganto URL just makes the browser try unsuccessfully to load the page, and the browser eventually times out and produces errors. This is apparently expected behavior due to…
12 votesGuests can generate shareable links in 2023 new UI
Define specific subject within the URL
We would like to build a page providing a list of Leganto reading lists for public access. The lists could include specific subject.
Currently, its not possible to define specific subject within the URL of find lists.
Suggested to create the public access link which only retrieve specific subject.
1 vote -
Default item type for e journal articles
When adding a Primo Central electronic journal article title to a readings list, the type defaults to article rather than electronic article.
This would then be more obvious to instructors and students that they are looking at an electronic article instead of a physical article.32 votesAvailable in November release
Option to hide 'Send List' button
We do not make use of the 'Send List' button in our workflows (we process all lists at the point of creation, rather than waiting for them to be sent to the Library by the lecturer). Could we therefore have the option to hide the 'Send List' button?
2 votesAvailable in Sep release
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