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251 results found

  1. Support presentation of reading lists in an iFrame within VLE / LMS

    Ex Libris currently do not recommend integrating Leganto reading lists within a VLE / LMS using an iframe, as there is an issue with cookies.

    Users receive an "Illegal Institution" message on certain browsers (eg. Safari on macOS) with the cookie policy as in browser default.

    We would like to ask for this issue to be re-investigated by Ex Libris and an alternative proposed for roadmap development that fixes the issue without inelegant workarounds such as manually altering browser cookie policies or using a different web browser - noting that these workarounds are not always possible for users depending on…

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  2. Add instructors automatically using role in LTI launch request

    A course can have a number of instructors teaching on it, and it might be difficult to keep the details of the instructors of courses and owners of reading lists up to date in Alma.

    Rather than having to update these details manually, or pre-load them using the Course loading integration profile, I suggest that there is an option for the LTI Integration profile to automatically assign an instructor of a course and owner of the associated reading lists, if the user in the LTI launch request has a role of "instructor."

    Even better if the Alma "Instructor" role could…

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  3. Incorporate Blackboard Student View into LTI Integration

    Currently, the Blackboard LTI integration does not allow instructors to use Student View to see reading lists from the student's perspective. (Doing so results in error: 400 Unknown user id.) Please allow the temporary student that is created in Blackboard to be created in Alma, thereby enabling Student View.

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  4. Allow LTI Integration to Pass Course ID from LMS and Create Course in Alma

    Due to course merging, the Course ID in the LMS is not always obvious. Please allow the LTI integration to pass the Course ID from the LMS and automatically create the course in Alma. This would occur when the instructor adds/creates the LTI integration in the LMS and initiates the link. Of course, manual course creation on the library side should always be possible as well.

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  5. Add student level activity to Leganto reports

    Academics would like to track student usage of Leganto reading lists as an indicator for students who are at risk of under-performing or dropping out of courses.
    A way of identifying students who are not reading or participating on the Leganto list would be useful.

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  6. Enable the use to set the initial display of the list as collapsed

    All sections will be collapsed and the user will then expand the relevant section (or all section).

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  7. Enable students to filter the list so that they only see mandatory items

    In many cases, a student is only interested in mandatory items. They should be able to see only these.

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    Completed  ·  Gal Darom responded

    Filter is done on the citation’s tag and material tags plus free text tags (available to students)

  8. 22 votes

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  9. Student can create a reading list for their own purpose with citations collected for a specific work or assignment

    Student can create a reading list for their own purpose with citations collected for a specific work or assignment

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  10. Allow direct link from the CMS into a specific Leganto Reading List Section

    Allow direct link from the CMS into a specific Leganto Reading List Section
    consider adding also direct link into Leganto specific citation.

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    Completed  ·  Gal Darom responded

    this enhancement was done be part of the February 2017 release

  11. Allow students to buy books (with in Leganto) directly from the book store through an API.

    Allow student to buy books (with in Leganto) Leganto directly from the book store through an API.
    could be with the institution’s book store or with Amazon site

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    Completed  ·  Gal Darom responded

    can be done today using the General Electronic service in Alma that is exposed in Leganto as well

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