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251 results found
Disable or hide the integration with Facebook
Institutions should be left the choice to hide or disable the integration with Facebook.
Some institutions have for example a policy where they don't allow users to change their profile pictures, so the "Connect to facebook" feature is not welcome.
102 votes -
Improved Citation Alert Management Functionality for UI
It would streamline the workflow significantly if Citation Alert Notes which are represented by the green dot in the Reading List View could include what contents of the Note actually are. This would save the workflow 3 extra clicks into the citation to edit it, checking the Notes Tab and having to then back out again to the Reading List. There is also significant work in having to clear an Alert once seen and or action, where the staff member has to select the citation, scroll to the top of the list, choose the Actions Menu, and select the Remove…
34 votesAvailable in March release
Conformation and Manual Linking for Resource Locate actions on Citations
It would be great if, using the option to Resource Locate on a citation, there was an option to confirm/decline that the correct inventory was matched through the process before the link takes place.
If we also had the option to manually search for the correct inventory when declining in the above step when the Resource Locate fails to link to the correct inventory, between both of these options we could ensure that the citation links to the inventory we intend.
This would solve the problem which is faced now, that when Resource Locate is used and Alma determines and…
13 votesAvailable in August release
Ability to Re-Associate Reading List with new Course after copyright records and completed citations are present in the List
It would be very useful to be allowed to re-associate and incorrectly associated reading list with the correct course in Alma after work has begun processing the citations inside the Reading List.
When an Academic associates their Legato Reading list to a Course, in some cases this is done incorrectly and assigned to the wrong course, which needs correcting. It is currently not possible to simply re-associate a Reading List to a new Course if work on that reading list has started, and there are completed Citations with Copyright Records.
The only workaround at present is to change a value…
16 votes -
Citation Copyright Attributes Can Also Calculate With Roman Numerals
It would be of great help if Alma could take into account and calculate when Roman Numerals are used in the Required Pages fields of a Copyright Attribute. At the moment Alma cannot calculate pages copied if Required Pages are in Roman Numerals and this is a very frequent occurrence.
Notice in the attached the Total Required Pages is greyed out and not calculated.1 voteAvailable in November release
Allow 'learning technologist' role to see all lists/course information associated with a specific Academic Department
As we work with Academic Departments, we increasingly find that a departmental colleague has a key role as a "learning technologist" or admin in the VLE (CMS) Blackboard Moodle, Canvas etc etc. In order to help them manage and support reading list creation across an entire department it would really help if it was possibly to associate a User in Alma with an Academic department so they could see all the lists associated with that department, whether draft or published.
NB because of the numbers, this idea would return us to the issue of librarians seeing too much in My…
1 vote -
Show Course Term, Course Year, and Academic Department in the header of "Edit reading list" page in Alma
When staff are working on reading lists in Alma from the Reading List task list, they go into a list - the Edit Reading List page, and the top of the page gives some summary information in a header above the citations, however this header lacks some simple but helpful reference information about the course (where relevant), i.e.
Course term
Course Year
Academic Department
It would be useful to add these so as not to lose the context of what you are working on when going in and out of many reading lists over time.5 votesAvailable in July release
Add a link to Leganto from individual Citations in the "Citations View" in Alma
It would be useful if there was a 'View in Leganto' link from the Citations view in Alma - i.e. the "Edit Citations" list does not currently (Feb 2018) have a way of getting to the equivalent citation or list from Alma; it seems inconsistent with the Reading List Task List which does offer a "View in Leganto" option to navigate form Alma to Leganto.
71 votes -
Share "My collection" with other as an extra feature
To share "My collection" would be a good thing for instructors/librarians who work in the same field of education. It's in some way like sharing your EndNote library.
"My collection" will contain citations that are not necessarily published in a course list, but still could be of use for others. This regards citations shared from one researcher to another but not necessarily in a reading list and/or citations processed by the library.2 votes2023 New UI provides the option to add items from favorites to a reading list in bulk. Instructors can create a list from favorites and publish or share with specific collaborators.
Record date/time and user ID of student who reports a broken link
Current scenario: student marks a link as broken, we filter in Alma to find the citations with Report of broken link. We fix this if it is broken but just as frequently we are unable to identify any reason for the report.
We need to be able to respond to the student to alert them to the fact that we have fixed the link, alert them to the fact that it coincided with reported downtime for a resource or contact them to investigate why they are unable to access the resource (when there does not appear to be a problem).
19 votesDeveloped as part of the Leganto January release
Retain permalinks after rollover
We would like a parameter that on rollover, the 'old' reading list will be associated with the new course, so that existing permalinks will not require updating.
We have not used the rollover function because we are concerned of the impact on the permalinks created by our instructors to lists, sections and citations in our new VLE.
14 votesOctober 2018 release
Option to reset the usage statistics without doing a rollover
We have not used the rollover function in Leganto. Our main concern is that permalinks made in the VLE to sections/citations would no longer work. We have no way of checking where permalinks are in use.
The main thing that we would want to gain from performing a rollover each academic year is to reset the usage statistics which are on view to instructors back to zero, together with any student comments and likes. We are not particularly concerned to create new copies of a course as there is nothing to distinguish one year's module from the next in our…
68 votesAvailable in June 2020 release
Association of multiple courses to one reading list (HLD)
Please find attached high level design which describes the suggested solution to support the ability to associate multiple courses to one reading list in Leganto.
The suggested solution is based on feedbacks we already got from some of you previously.
Please review the document and reply back with your questions or issues you might find.39 votes -
Stopping list creation from Leganto interface
Allow libraries to configure an option to stop academics creating new reading lists from the Leganto interface, but still allow them to edit lists created by the library.
99 votesAvailable in New UI February release.
Adding a collaborator needs to assign instructor role
Faculty want to add a collaborator. They can only see users who already have the instructor role, so they can't add the collaborator. That means they have to notify the library to add the role which holds them up from their work on the list.
They should be able to search for a specific user, add them as collaborator and that should assign the instructor role (the way it does when we load courses).
Not all our reserves staff have the User Manager role, so if we have to deal with this manually we will have to give all reserve…
9 votes -
Automatically set citation to "Complete" after "Resource Locate"; and to "Ready for Processing" after "Detach from Repository" in Alma
User Story:
As a Library staff who needs to process Reading List Citations in Alma, I want Citation to be automatically set to Complete following a "Resource Locate", as these resources are within the Institutional Alma Repository. This would resolve the additional "Set Complete" clicking required for each citation, and improve the work efficiency of Library staff.
I also want completed Citations to be automatically set to Ready for Processing following "Detach from Repository", as they may require follow up actions. This can reduce any chance of an unprocessed citation remaining "Complete" status, and reduce frustration for the reading list…5 votes -
Declaration text header for Add Item Manually/Upload file workflow
Add a declaration text header option for when users click on "Add Item Manually/Upload File" analogous to the digitizationrequestheader. The idea is that we could communicate to faculty our expectations about fair use when uploading items. If this header option existed, we would add something like:
"The Libraries supports courses by scanning and electronically delivering course related materials for use as course readings or for other instructional uses. NOTE: Usage must meet Fair Use Guidelines (Title 17, US Code) unless copyright permission has been obtained. Utilize the Fair Use Analysis Tool (https://www.lib.umn.edu/copyright/fairthoughts) to help make your…1 vote -
Add task in Alma to easily identify "Reading Lists with Citation Link Reported as Broken"
User Story: As a Library staff who needs to process Leganto Reading Lists, I want to be able view "Reading Lists with Citation Link Reported as Broken" as an Alma Task, so that I can immediately identify and remediate Reading Lists with citation resource issues (such as broken links).
Current scenario:
1. Go to Alma Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Reading Lists
2. Click on 'All' tab (takes several seconds to load the page)
3. Select "Citation Link Reported as Broken" from Alerts filterExpected scenario:
1. Go to Alma Tasks > Reading List - citation link reported as broken20 votesThis request was added and developed in the Leganto Feb. 2018 release
Tags - Library, Instructors & Public
We've created a number of Citation tags for internal Library-staff use to handle Reading List requests.
e.g(Library use) eJournal check required
(Library use) Permissions required
(Library use) ILL request placed
(Library use) scanning requiredIn the Tag Mapping table, we can set the visibility to Library or Public.
"Library" visibility includes Library staff and Leganto course instructors and collaborators.
We do not want Instructors to use these tags, but they display by default in Leganto, and so could cause confusion if they apply these tags.We would like to have a setting that only shows to Library staff to…
12 votes -
Control order of list display for multiple lists associated with a course
For courses which have multiple lists, each of which may have a time focus, the display order of lists is not always as desired by the title sort alone, e.g. Week 1 vs Week 11. It would be useful to be able to control the order of list display when there are multiple lists.
6 votesdone in November 2018 release
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