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148 results found
Simplify how to Arrange tiles
Rearrange tiles by holding-dragging-dropping like on iOS mobile home screens instead of having to go into the side menu.
3 votes -
Add student name to the attendance export
Currently the attendance export which can be taken from within App Manager does not include the user's (student's) name. It would be useful if this could be added to allow us to easily filter by student.
1 vote -
Allow nested tiles to show full tile name
With some nested tiles, the name/tile namess are cut off.
Steps to reproduce:
In the App Manager, nagivate to App Builder
Select the UON Dev environment and then 'RemakeDev' profile,
Some nested tiles titles are cut off.
Expected Results: The full name of the nested tile is shown. e.g over two lines
Actual Results: The name/tile namess are cut off.
1 vote -
Attendance - vary check-in window by role
Some activities for some students require attendance for the whole session (e.g. labs for medical students, where they're marked absent and have to reschedule if they're more than 15 minutes late) but for others that's not an issue - some schools encourage students arriving late to concentrate on the class asap and only check-in at the end.
Being able to set different check-in windows for different groups of students would allow us to meet both use cases.3 votes -
extend the length of time that a notification can be viewed more than 90 days.
We have state requirements for some notifications to be listed for longer than 90 days. Some are for the whole year. Currently we would have to do a notification multiple times a year to be compliant. If there was a way to have the notification not expire or be able to see past notification past 90 days.
6 votes -
We are requesting that campusM support Dynamic RelayState
We are trying to create a link to a hidden tile but after we have it created and use the link it takes us to the home page and not the direct link.
6 votes -
Profile Group
Please add a way to bypass the profile group selection:
When switching a profile from the settings, a new step has been recently added to select the Profile Group of the institution. Only then users can choose the library profile from a list.There is no point to select a group when all the profiles are under the same group.
6 votes -
Notifications data into analytics
It would be very beneficial to us as admin staff to more easily report on the analytics of notifications. We could then tie in this data with other analytical aspects for better information
13 votes -
'My Profile' colour theme change
Currently when users select a tag from the 'my profile' section it is a bright blue colour that signifies selection. Our University colour is red and therefore having the configurability to change this selection colour would be very beneficial to our users.
This update would improve the UI for all roles who sit behind OAUTH and therefore have a 'My Profile' section.
11 votes -
Nested/Smart tile colour change
This idea would be for all users' benefits when using the App. Currently the nested smart tile doesn't allow us to amend the colour schemes. Either for individual nested tiles or the grouping. Before considering using these types of tiles we would need these to match our internal branding (colour schemes) so that these tiles match the rest of our App.
10 votes -
Support CDATA sections (as used by SharePoint and Drupal) in Events PI RSS
The RSS for the Events PI often contains HTML characters in the <description> that have to be escaped somehow to be considered valid XML. The Events PI has a toggle switch to indicate whether it should expect HTML in the description element.
Either individual HTML characters can be replaced with entity references e.g. < replaced by & lt ; and > replaced by & gt ; or alternatively you can enclose the HTML in a CDATA section e.g. <![CDATA[ <b>Our event!</b> ]]>.
Both SharePoint and Drupal use CDATA sections to enclose HTML in the RSS views they generate by default,…
1 vote -
Alt-Text Capability for Images in campusM
Can we generate alt-text for our images, now that we're on React Native/campusM? The data is being passed through the data feed. We had submitted a support case, but the PM suggested we submit an Idea instead.
1 vote -
Enable institutions to optionally configure active lists as the count
The Leganto product integration returns a count of all lists. For educators this list would be very high, for students it could also get to 36 or so in their last semester.
In both cases users in the mobile app are more interested in looking at their active lists.Institutions should be able to configure the integration to choose which count to use, and if the user clicks/touches to view the lists then institutions should be able to configure if a list filtered to active lists only is presented.
17 votes -
In lecturer check-in, if you select a reason why the student isn't in the session it says 'Lecturer Logged Abscence' not what was selected
In lecturer check-in, when the lecturer selects a reason why the student isn't in the session it says 'Lecturer Logged Absence' and doesn't show the actual reason (student ill etc), which means lecturers are unsure they chose the right one and double check.
Show the actual logged reason selected!
6 votes -
Home Page Banners - Timeframe
At the moment, Home Page Banners have to be manually removed in App Manager at the end of their 'life' to take them off-show front-end. This is done either via full deletion or removal of Roles.
It would be useful if configuration was available when adding a Home Page Banner to set a timeframe/window for its lifetime (in a similar way to Quick Polls).
The addition of an End Date/Time, at which point the Home Page Banner auto-deleted or the assigned Roles were removed, would remove the need for users to diarise manual removal at the appropriate time and ensure…
24 votes -
Attendance check-in: make check-in code display larger or add ability to change size
We have received feedback from both students and lecturers to say that the iSheffield check in code is rather small, especially when viewed on a mobile phone, so we would like to suggest either increasing the size of the check-in code font when displayed, or to introduce the ability for users to change the font size themselves.
1 vote -
Separation of functionality within the Retrieve Attendees PI
The 'retrieve attendees' PI allows lecturers to check-in students and also to view history of check-ins. We are asking for this functionality to be separated so that you can have one or both enabled rather than having to have both enabled.
We have made a strategic decision to not ask lecturers to spend any time on check-ins therefore putting all of the emphasis on students themselves. This decision was made due to both the original request form staff to not have to spend time checking students in and also because of students potentially not bothering with the App and checking…
11 votes -
Send OTC via email
Send the OTC a day in advance to lecturers via email. Users express the need to be able to access the OTC outside the app (native app or online portal).
It would be great if they could tick this option somewhere in the app i.e. "I want to receive the One Time Codes via email"
1 vote -
Progress bar colour changes for 'Lists'
It would be great if we could configure a colour scheme for the progress bar that sits within 'Lists'. Like a traffic light system. For example if we had a list of 10 items and between 0% and 30% complete - the bar were to be coloured red, between 30% and 90% complete - the bar were to be coloured amber, and for 100% complete - the bar were to be coloured green - I think this would be really beneficial for the user to see instantly how they are getting on. Thanks
11 votes -
'Pop-up' notifications when a user selects a tile
It would be great if we could utilise 'pop up' notifications when a user selects a specified module/tile. These messages could appear and act as a prompt for users. They can act as a prompt, and advertising tool, or even just a temporary messaging service. Please see the screen recording of a different app that utilises it and how well it can work. The software company that I have worked with (from the screen recording) also allows the functionality whereby you can chose to allow the pop up to be visible either for a set period of time and/or for…
12 votes
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