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148 results found

  1. Android notification icons

    The current app notifications on android are not ideal. They are either a blank square or a square in a circle. It would be great if we were able to edit what icon the app uses when displaying notifications.

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  2. Hide the external link in Events under specific text

    Hide the external link in Events under specific text as is done with Location and Location url

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  3. Searching by AEK number in app manager

    in app manager > AEK > under App Extension Kit > AEK menu options, we would like the ability to search by aek number.

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  4. Back button from links within Alerts

    When a user is in an Alert item and opens a link from within an alert, when they click the 'back' button, it goes back to the main CampusM home screen. It would make more sense if the back button took the user back to the Alert from where they had clicked the link, or at least back to the alerts page in general rather than all the way back to the home screen. It would be a better user journey.

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  5. Allow us to change the Page Title for each individual page

    Right now, all pages show the same name in a browser's tab, which can make navigation confusing if you have more than one page open in a browser.

    It would be nice to be able to update the page title for each individual page so that the name in the tab is different for every page.

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  6. Add individual calendar items to calendar

    Suggestion has come through for users to be able to add appointments and reminders to their own Calendar. Currently, only integrated calendars / timetables are available on the calendar, it is not editable or interactive in that sense.

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  7. Colour-coded timetable

    Allow students to set certain classes to different colours on their timetable, allowing for easier and faster identification of the next lecture.

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  8. Maps links

    A new field within 'positions' that allows us to enter a link to a specific map (the link would be a specific Mazemaps link)
    The overall ability to make the default wayfinding tool to be our chosen provider (Mazemaps for us at Bristol)

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  9. Bus tracking

    The bus tracking integration looks like it could really benefit our users but just being limited to one provider is limiting. If the module could be opened up to a RESTFul API - this would mean we could then use the module but with different providers.

    Sort of linked to the now closed ticket of #17667385

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  10. Allow switching orientation to landscape on Android tablets

    The React Native app already supports orientation switching on iPads, so it makes sense for this feature to be available on both platforms for consistency.

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  11. Display updated content without requiring user to force refresh or relogin

    In the ex libris guidance

    How to Publish Content - Ex Libris Knowledge Center ( suggests it would “Most changes you make in campusM will be seen by the end-user if they log out and back in to the app, or switch profiles. You can force these changes to appear immediately by publishing the app.”

    However, if you update content in creative studio or content pages and use the publish mechanisms when changed and saved via App Settings >Content > Content then published via App Settings > Publishing > Publish or via edit and Save and Publish in Creative Studio…

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  12. Improve attendance lecturer check-in search results

    Would it be possible to add the date (or at least day of the week) to the lecturer check-in search results page for each event?

    Currently you just get a long list of events but no idea which date/day they relate to without clicking through to them, but then you have to go back and re-do the search as there is no "back to results" navigation option, the back < takes you to the home page (in react native app at least).

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  13. Warning when using campuM web from a mobile device

    When you access CampusM with the web version of the application from a mobile device, a message may appear indicating that you can use the mobile app for a better experience.

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  14. Live chat function to CampusM

    It'd be great to have a live chat feature on the CampusM web portal and mobile app. Our support teams could monitor it during working hours and then have automated responses after hours if there was the ability to set up auto responses on a chatbot style of instant chat.

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  15. Forwarding emails function

    Forwarding function on emails when accessing email via the Apple phone ULaw App

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  16. Please allow us the ability to disable the initial tile flip animation

    Please allow us the ability to disable the initial tile flip animation that happens when you first visit CampusM via App or Browser. We've received reports that it triggers migraines

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  17. Make it possible to edit the order of the toolbar icons

    The toolbar currently presents in this order 'My Campus, Settings, Calendar, Alerts, Search'. It would be good to be able to change this order, and make general edits to the toolbar such as icons and labels.

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  18. Registered Users - Date Range Search Improvements

    The Date Range search on the Registered Users page would benefit from a number of improvements to make it simpler & clearer to use:

    1. The Date Range field is not intuitive - To populate this (amending the Default value) you have to select the From and the To date at the same time within the single calendar pop-up that appears when you click into the field. This is then populated in the field when you exit the calendar and you can click Done to complete the search.

    2. However - When I undertake a search From: 01/01/2010 and To: Today (as…

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  19. Grades Product integration

    Oracle PeopleSoft Grades Product Integration:
    We request that the Grades PI for Oracle PeopleSoft is enhanced as follows:
    1. In App Manager > Product Integrations > Grades Instance configuration page, under API Configuration:
    - Below the URL to retrieve the information field, add two additional fields for the entering the two query names (allowing institutions to apply their standard naming conventions for their two queries) and then use/declare these institutional query names as variables in the solution code to replace the default names.
    2. Provide an additional Test API Connection facility, or extend the existing test facility, to enable us…

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  20. Notifications icon (counter) on start screen: hide when zero

    See screenshtos:

    The coloured dot for notifications should be hidden for all tiles with zero notifications.

    The dot is for attracting the users' attention – the way it is at the moment is bad UX.

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