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272 results found

  1. Display print journal coverage dates in brief record display

    We have activated the display of online journal coverage dates in the brief record display.
    We would like to further enhance the user experience by also displaying the coverage of our print journals.
    This will deliver a more consistent experience to our users.

    Ex Libris has recommended posting this suggestion on the Idea Exchange (#07262867).

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  2. Holding and coverage details in brief record display for physical records

    Primo VE can show the title, general physical availability, and other details in the brief record display of a given record, but it lacks the ability to show coverage information that's contained in a holding record. All current details that Primo VE can show appear to be either bibliographic or system data, but not holding record data. We'd like to have this kind of coverage information available to users at a glance without their needing to enter a record to see which issues/years/etc. of an item that we have.

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  3. IZ level view configuration

    As a library network with a large number of Primo views, it can be extremely laborious to update every single view for configuration options that are identical in each view. These include in particular all configuration options that can be found in the General, Links, Advance Search, Brief results, Brief record display and Full Record Services tab of the view configuration menu.

    This kind of centralised view management would need to be available at the IZ level as it does not fulfil the same purpose as the possibility to distribute configuration from the the Network Zone to the various Institution…

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  4. Make brief availability statement continuous across calendar year changeover

    The brief availability statement in Primo VE (see attached screenshot) cannot compensate for the changeover of the calendar year. If we have the following coverage dates:

    Portfolio #1: 1/1/1869-12/31/1984
    Portfolio #2: 1/1/1985-present

    Then the brief availability should read "Coverage: 1869-present." Instead, it reads "Coverage: 1869-1984, From 1985."

    Jan. 1 always comes after December 31, so the algorithm should be able to compensate for this. I know it's a small thing, but I'd love to see this fixed!

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  5. New export all function without be logged in

    To use the new “Export ALL results” feature in Primo VE, we've noticed that you need to be logged in.
    we would like to be able to use this feature without being logged in, like the other ways of exporting results.

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  6. Integrated Library Mapping and Analytics for Primo VE

    Develop an integrated library mapping module for Primo VE featuring interactive floor plans with clear, step-by-step directions. Seamlessly integrate this module into Primo VE's existing infrastructure, ensuring a user-friendly interface accessible to all patrons.

    • Enhanced user experience: Streamline the path from digital search to physical item retrieval, reducing frustration and improving overall user satisfaction.
    • Valuable collection analytics: Gain insights into patron behavior, optimize collection placement, and make data-driven decisions about space allocation.
    • Streamlined workflow: Replace third-party solutions, reducing complexity and simplifying library operations.
    • Improved accessibility: Ensure all users can easily navigate the library by providing…

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  7. Allow Customization of Link Prioritization in the Merged Record to prioritize OA

    Currently, when there is a merged record with multiple links, the links are prioritized according to a fixed set of prioritization rules ( In general, the rules prioritize links to paid content over links to unrestricted (OA) content. For example, if all records in a merged group are coming from collections using link in record, Link in Record links for subscribed content are prioritized over OA links. As another example, if some records in a merged group use the link resolver, and some use link in record, link resolver links for subscribed content are prioritized over the OA…

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  8. Related titles in Primo VE records display: separate window

    When records have bib-to-bib relationships via 8XX (or 7XX), the list of related titles is displayed in the Details section of the series/host record. Unfortunately, the list is currently sorted alphabetically by the title, which is very user-unfriendly with a large number of linked titles.

    This behavior has already been criticized in this idea. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to sort the related titles logically by sequence or volume.

    The Austrian Library Association (OBV) uses Primo BO and has implemented a user-friendly solution for displaying related titles:
    In the case of multi-volume works and series, the individual volumes are…

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  9. Allow customization of CDI resource types in Resource Type Filter Bar

    We are using the Resource Type Filter Bar with general satisfaction, with one major problem. Since Articles and Magazine Articles are separate CDI resource types now, and it isn’t possible to select more than one resource type pre-filter (in Simple or Advanced Search) -- it’s not possible to allow the user to search within both types of articles. There are some magazine articles that seem good to exclude, but there are others that are scholarly sources, even Peer Reviewed, and I fear our users may miss them. Ideally, we might want to enable the search within both types and allow…

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  10. Unpaywall - displaying both GETPDF and Interloan links for some resources

    This suggestion has been logged at the suggestion of Ex Libris in response to our Salesforce Ticket #07049766 .

    Unpaywall content sometimes displays both GETPDF and "Interloan" links. This confuses users, who regard the Interloan link as the safer option, and place an interloan request when they can directly access the PDF full text via the GETPDF link.

    There are overhead costs to managing this problem and redirecting the users to the correct link.
    Example record in Primo VE with both GETPDF and "Interloan" links:

    Ex Libris has reviewed this case and requested that it be placed in the…

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  11. Resource Recommender Banner: allow multiple, randomised Banners

    We find the Resource Recommender Banner in Primo VE incredible useful for promoting exhibitions, programs and other library events, but the click through rate on the Banner is extremely low.

    One of the reasons for this, I suspect, is the static nature of the banner - once activated, the same image appears every time a search is conducted and it quickly just becomes "noise" on the catalogue that is either ignored or dismissed.

    We'd like to see this feature further developed to allow for multiple banners to be active at once (say, up to 5) and then have a different,…

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  12. Exclude Esploro assets with no inventory from Primo blended searches

    We would like an option to be added the Primo configuration to enable only Esploro records with inventory to be searched in a blended search with Alma and CDI records.

    In the current configuration a search profile slot can be created in Discovery > Configure Views > Search Profile Slots to search across all resources (Alma, CDI, Esploro etc.). It is possible to include the ResearchHasInventory option in this slot but the result of this in Primo is that it only allows users to search either the blended (Alma and CDI) option OR the ResearchHasInventory option but doesn’t enable both…

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  13. In the Display Logic Rules, add the option to "hide service" with "Availability by the network" for Network Zone Resource Sharing

    In the Display Logic Rules, add the option to "hide service" with "Availability by the network".

    We are in a Network Zone consortium that does Resource Sharing. Right now, we can hide services like "Purchase Request" if the item with "Availability by the institution" or "Ownership by the Institution" is true, but we also want to hide it for availability in the network, so that patrons are forced to try Resource Sharing in our network first, rather than submit a Purchase Request.

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  14. Allow deduping between MARC and DC records with non-filing characters in title

    It is currently not possible to dedup MARC and Dublin Core records if the title field contains non-filing characters.

    Primo VE can perform deduplication between MARC records in Alma and DC records that are ingested via discovery import profiles. However, the dedup title keys that are generated for MARC records take into account if the title has non-filing characters (such as initial articles), as indicated in the 245 second indicator. It is not possible to indicate non-filing characters for DC records. Therefore, records that would otherwise be matches for deduplication have different titles.

    For example, a record with the title…

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  15. Index Item Description in Primo VE

    We record the monographic titles of periodical issues only in the Item Description field and not in the periodical bibliographic record.
    This item field is searchable in Alma but not in Primo VE.
    We need that the Item Description field to also be searchable in Primo VE.

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  16. Add Lateral Links (Hypertext link) to Journal Search/Database Search/Newspaper Search

    Currently, the basic search and advanced search results provides journal, database, and newspaper records the ability to broaden the search by using lateral links. When the same records are displayed on the Journal Search, Database Search, and Newspaper Search pages, they do not have lateral links. This means there is no way to find more from the listed authors, subjects, related titles, etc. Please add lateral links to these pages for all fields available as in the basic search and advanced search.

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  17. Primo VE - Allow normalization of Esploro records

    As a discovery tool Primo VE is supposed to deliver a unique gateway to many Library Resoures, including the a Institutional Repository (i.e. Esploro ).
    To do so in a blended search one must be able to normalize records from different sources. We used to do that in Primo Classic, with a Pipe and a Normalization Rule. This is however not possible in the newer Primo VE.
    Please allow manipulation and normalization of Esploro assets so that we can show them in the catalogue in a consistent way.

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  18. Add IZ scope for e-resources activated for the IZ in the Network Zone.

    SLSP activates a large amount of OA e-resources from the NZ. The use case is to save time and resources for the IZs.

    The OA e-resources activated from NZ are searchable in the IZ-wide Search scopes when using the out-of-the-box scope MyInstitution and MyInstandCI. However, they are not searchable in IZ library / campus search profiles. There is no scope that would add NZ e-resources available for the IZ / library / campus to the Search Profile created for a specific library / campus within an IZ.

    Library scope in an IZ with Inventory Management Groups (IMG)

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  19. Browse results based on Primo VE view

    We have several different Primo VE views for different libraries & library collections. However, the Browse functionality includes all records/titles from across the institution. It's confusing to users to see results from different views when they are expecting results to be in the context of the view they are using.

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  20. Add label to view it section in front of service provider link

    Add a label to the front of the service provider name in the view it section so that it can be made clearer that users should click on this to access the resource. At the moment we have to use a customization to add text but it would be easier to maintain if this was a standard label.

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