Number of location codes that can be included in a scope.
Scopes currently allow only 3 location codes. We would like to have that limit increased.

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Andrew Welch commented
We too would like to increase the number of conditions in VE Custom Scopes. One way to accomplish this would be to add "is in" and "is not in" operators, which would allow us to create groups of locations under a single condition. Other areas of Alma configuration include these operators, so it's unclear why VE scopes only have "equals" and "not equals," which is extremely limiting.
For example, we're in a Fulfillment Network of 9 libraries, and fulfillment to partner libraries is based on Location. In order to configure Primo VE, each library is having to create dozens of custom scopes because of the 3 condition limit. Adding more flexible operators would allow us to create just one scope per partner.
Manu Schwendener commented
NERS 7237, open for voting now.