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32 results found
Support multilingual caption files in Alma digital (i.e., allow upload of more than one caption file for a video)
Allow library staff to upload multiple caption/subtitle files for a single video - and then allow users to choose which caption file they'd like to use.
Our specific use case involves a video where the producer of
a film we licensed provided us with a caption file in English and a subtitle file in Spanish, but we can only upload the English captions due to AlmaD's one-file limitation.3 votesInstitutions can now associate multi-language captions with video files stored in Alma. For more information, please refer to the Alma May release notes and online help.
Develop Alma Digital viewer to support ePub files
We are using Alma Digital to build a repository of accessible texts, available only to students with a "print disability" under UK law. Access is tightly controlled to a specific collection.
We are hosting both PDFs and ePub files on Alma Digital for our users to access. ePub files offer improved user experience for these users with text reflow.
Currently the Alma Digital viewer does not support ePub files.
Please develop the viewer so that users can read ePub files, with all their functionalities; without the user having to download the file and open it in another application.
48 votesThe Alma Viewer can now display ePub files to end users with an intuitive and accessible embedded 3rd party viewer.
Allow Repeatable Fields in Add Representation Form in Alma
Allow repeatable fields in Add Representation Form in Alma. An article often contain two or more authors. This feature will allow staff who do not know MARC to input contributors into the form.
6 votesStaff deposit forms can now be configured to include repeatable fields, as already supported for patron deposit forms.
For more information see Alma November Release Notes
MARC21 to OAI Dublin Core crosswalk
we would like to have the possibility to customize the OAI DC output, making several changes in the mapping that makes the transformation from MARC21 to OAI Dublin Core.
For example being able to add some fields or exclude others. we attached an example of our customization.
6 votes -
MODS metadata profile: add forms for deposit
Currently the MODS metadata profile does not include a "forms" tab on which to design a patron deposit form. Without this tab, we assume that patron deposits are limited to Dublin Core or MARC. This request is submitted both to get feedback on the viability of such a change (would it be a relatively small or large effort for Ex Libris), and to gauge the degree of demand for this feature among other libraries.
7 votesMODS Schema is now available within the Metadata Forms.
For more information, please refer to the Alma May release notes and online help.
Handle Identifier support in Alma
Alma provides limited support for permanent URLs through (CNRI). We propose that Ex Libris provide the same level of support for Handle URLs in Alma Digital as they do with Esploro customers.
The only documentation for producing Handle URLs in Alma is this blog entry on the Developer Network site: to the article, an institution must install their own local Handle server to create and register Handle urls. Alma does not communicate with the handle server directly via its API. Instead, institutions that use Handle have to set up a FTP/SFTP site to receive the Handle URLs…
22 votesHi,
Functionality has been added, to allow registration of Handle PIDs in an Ex Libris hosted handle server. See further details -
Thank you,
Enable digital rights statements to be assigned independently of access rights
We really like the new options for digital rights statements (January 2021 release) so that we can have creative commons licences displayed/linked in the Alma viewer.
However, in complex access scenarios having copyright statements in a 1:1 relationship with access rights will make this difficult to manage configuration, and for Alma users to filter through all the possible alternatives (likely with similar names) to choose the right one for the representation.
Access rights are technical definitions of the circumstances under which a user will be given access to a representation (parameters like concurrent users, IP range, no restriction, embargo period,…
15 votesAs of August release you can configure copyright statements directly on a representation, independently of the access rights.
For more information see: -
Remove copyright symbol from Alma representation public notes in Primo
Remove the copyright symbol from the beginning of the public note of an Alma representation displaying in Primo.
The copyright symbol appears when the representations access right has a copyright notice.
This doesn't make sense as public notes may not concern copyright, irrespective of access right.
Alternatively provide the option to turn off the copyright symbol.
15 votes -
Support MODS for remote digital repository
While Alma itself supports MODS as a metadata scheme, MODS is not supported as metadata import format for remote repositories.
We need to see this support before we can add remote digital content to Alma collections, as the current option of importing DC is too poor.14 votesAs of February 2024, Alma supports OAI-PMH harvest of MODS repositories.
Please develop a function to download all digital files of a digital title set I created.
Please develop a function to download all digital files of a digital title set I created. Now I can download files one by one on the file list tab or access my bucket via a third party program and download only the files of a specific representation that I know the storage path. It's impossible to download hundreds of files in that way when there are other institutions' requests.
Rosetta has a function to export a set of IEs. Even though I also need to use a third party program to access the directory where the files go, but its…
3 votesAs of July release you can download the digital files of a digital title set into a zip file.
for more information please see Alma July release notes: -
Prevent Download Pictures (Alma Digital) when Download is not allowed
Prevent Download Pictures (Alma Digital) when Download is not allowed
When Access rights indicate to “Allow View” but not download, Alma viewer currently allows downloading the picture by “saving as”.
The digital Viewer should prevent this option.101 votesThe functionality to prevent downloads of digital images that is configured by clearing the Allow Downloads checkbox when creating digital access rights rules (Configuration > Fulfillment > Copyright Management > Access Rights > Add Access Rights > Add Rule) was enhanced. The user cannot save images using the Save As function of the browser.
Watermarking function at the viewer display level
Please provide an alternative approaches for controlling the content of images displayed to users, eg watermarking. (SF823991) It would be great if there is an option like floating a seleted(uploaded) watermark without changing the digital file itself.
6 votes -
Please allow adjusting the order of Digital Titles
Please allow adjusting the order of Digital Titles manually like we change the order of Collections by drag-and-drop. Additionally sorting options for digital titles will be welcomed too.
15 votesAs of July release you can configure the default sorting for titles and sub-collections in Primo VE, using a richer set of title-level sort routines.
For more information please see : -
Free text input option for Rep Label in Global representation Changes job
Currently there is no option to remove Rep Label or create a rule that can make it void on the "Global Representation Changes" job. Please provide with Free text input option for Rep Label in Global representation Changes job, like Public Note.
66 votesCompleted in March release. Added support for setting representation label as:
- Empty
- Constant string
- Bibliographic field (MARC or DC)
- Regular expression on BIB field
Label can either be set manually in representation resource editor or via batch job.
Allow more then 5 Digital Resource Copyright Declarations
By now Digital Resource Copyright Declarations are limited to 5 declarations. This is not enough and not even covering all CC licenses. There should be an unlimited number of copyrights or at least 20.
39 votesImplemented in January.
Digital copyright statements were separated from the general copyright declarations and now has its own page: Copyright Statements – Digital.
The out-of-the-box set of boilerplate copyright statements now includes all Creative Commons licenses, Rightsstatements, and US Code. These statements are view-only and are available in the Boilerplate section of the page.
A new Custom section is available on the Copyright Statements – Digital page where you can add an unlimited number of custom made copyright statements. -
Access rights: Not available after X date
Add an access rights parameter 'not available after x date' OR 'available till dd/mm/yyyy'
Essentially an inverse embargo period.
This would be extremely helpful for purchased and copyright material for which we have a limited licence, e.g. one semester or one calendar year.
17 votesYou can now configure access rights to expire for a patron according to a time period after a certain date. To support this feature, the Expiration option is now available when configuring parameters for access rights rules
For more information please see Alma October Release Notes: -
Add Breadcrumbs (Collection Path) to Alma Viewer
Like Hansel & Gretel, would be good for users to have a trail of breadcrumbs to follow home.
That is option for Alma Viewer to display the context of the item (which collection the item belongs to if any) as defined by Alma Collections and published to Primo discovery collection lobby.
This would enable the user, provided with a deep-link to an item in Alma Viewer, to browse related items (other items in the same collection) in Primo or return home where applicable.
73 votesYou can now configure the Alma Viewer to display the collection path at the bottom of the Descriptive Information pane.
For more information please see Alma January RN
Controlling movies playback speed in Alma viewer
Currently there is no option to speed up the movies in Alma Viewer by a certain times (X2, X3 etc) so that it will be shown in fast motion.
This option is very important if we want students to actually use such digital objects that we upload.49 votes -
Customisation of Alma patron deposits page
We would like to have the ability to customise the Alma patron deposits page, including:
- Logo + other branding elements eg. footer with University/Library details, link to privacy policy etc.
- Access to the landing page html to include deposit instructions and/or embed video tutorials
- Option to add links to help, contacts, policies for patron deposit
- Option to include a chat widget
- Css styling
- Sign in options to mimic Primo (in our case we might want to use SAML + Alma login)20 votesFor more details please see Alma December release notes
Related Digital Record Support
For physical and electronic records there is a support for "related records" functionality / analytic cataloging (represented by 773 MARC field).
We suggest to add this important functionally to digital records, so that the digital representation will be displayed in the View-It section of the related record as well as in the View-It of the main record (just as it is done for physical records by inheriting the inventory to the related record).
29 votesRelated digital records are now indicated when clicking View It.
For more information see Alma May Release Note at: that in addition it is now available in PrimoVE July release –
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