Adjust the Analytics report generation time to include events occurring after 8 PM.
Currently, the Analytics report is generated around 8 PM Taiwan time, which is earlier than the library's closing time. As a result, events that occur after 8 PM are not included in the statistics for the following day. This prevents the library from obtaining complete statistics for the previous day. If the report generation time could be delayed by at least 2 hours, it would be very helpful for Taiwan users.
GennieKuo commented
Yes she means "Data updated as of".
Now in APAC Environment (AP01), usually the ETL "data updated as of" start at 8 PM and will be available at around 00:00AM next day.
If it can be adjusted to start at 10 PM and end at 2 AM next day, it is more ideal for Taiwan customers. -
Anonymous commented
Do you mean the time of "data updated as of"? That's the term used in Alma Analytics. You can schedule the report generation time.
The duration between "data updated" and "data available" is more than 4 hours in normal situation. If moving the updated time to after mid-night, the available time will be after 4AM. The available time may pass the library open time if there are system issues, which are not uncommon.