Enable configuring VAT on the purchase order line level
Institutions should be able to enable configuring VAT on the purchase order line level so that it can be taken into account for encumbrance calculation. Having the VAT only configured at the invoice stage creates incorrect Fund Balance reports where Encumbered Balance is always underestimated and Available Balance always overestimated. A distinction between Inclusive and Exclusive VAT in the POL would be necessary.
Gili commented
We see that this idea has been accepted on Mar 12, 2024. When is it planned to be released?
Enrica Zani commented
In Italy there are different VAT % (0, 4 or 22) according to the type of resource: it could be really useful to be also able to choose which % is applied for each of this cases even using the Report TAX Governmental Vendor
Chrissie Ley Hughes commented
Changes in UK VAT legislation has seen the removal of VAT from electronic publications, however this does not include some databases and other products that libraries will have subscriptions too. In ALMA we are only able to identify if liable for VAT at vendor level, the reality is we will receive invoices from vendors that are both exempt and liable for VAT. We need a mechanism to record this information at POL level and for this field to also be re-portable in analytics.