Change color of NZ icon to distinguish from the CZ icon
The new Alma UI has made the NZ icon and CZ icon the same color and very difficult to distinguish from each other. The previous interface had different colors for these icons, which made it very easy to distinguish them. Please change the color of the NZ icon so that at a glance we can easily distinguish it from CZ records.
Manu Schwendener commented
Diana Brooking commented
The NZ icon is now very low key and hard to notice. I would like to see the icon made more noticeable somehow. A different color would be helpful, but some people are color blind. Explore options based on usability testing (or the literature on user friendly icons, there is a lot out there).
Cathy Chapman commented
I'd also like to see the order cart dot color change-- perhaps green to indicate an item has been received (since green dots are used in Primo to indicate an item is owned by a library and is on the shelf), and yellow for items that are still on order (since the orangy-yellow dot is used for items that are either checked out or owned by another library). Red if there is a problem with an order...