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624 results found
Add the ability to move item record(s) from one bib record to another.
Occasionally one or more item records need to be attached to a different, correct bib record, This often happens with title changes for serial records. Presently we must withdraw the item record(s) from one bib record and create new ones at the correct bib record. This is very time consuming process. It would be very helpful if there was an option to select item records and transfer them from one bib record to another.
41 votes -
Add Storage Location ID to Analytics
The storage location ID field in Alma should be added to Analytics
This seems like an easy add that needs to be done so the field can be reported upon.
7 votes -
Add timestamp to all date related dimensions in analytics
Some areas in analytics only have date stamps instead of date+time stamps, so reporting on for example, Events from analytics will only ever bring back the date the event occurred and not the date+time required for auditing.
We'd like all dimension datestamps to have a version of the timestamp which includes the date+time so that they are useful in working out when a transaction occurred and not just the date it happened. This is good for consistency across analytics data as well.
12 votesThis idea may now closed.
This idea was originally entered in 2015.
Since 2015 we have made clear distinctions between the “date” which includes the date and time and the “date” which is only the date.
The “date” which is only the date ends with suffix “(Calendar)”.
For example, in the E-Inventory subject area the folder “Portfolio PO Line” includes both a field “Claiming Date” and a field “Claiming Date (Calendar)”
Additionally, in the new “System Events” subject area “Event Date” folder includes two fields: “Event Date” and “Event Date and Time”.
Thank you. -
Requests in queue - notice to patrons
When you have more request for an item than you have items, the new requests are automatically queued, but the requester do not get any message about this, and unless they check their Oria account they have no way to find out when they can expect to receive their item.
We propose a function that automatically sends email to patrons if their requests have been queued. This must include their position in the queue.
24 votes -
Allow multiple item records to be withdrawn at the same time.
Presently item records must be withdrawn one by one. It would be helpful to be able to click on multiple boxes next to item records and withdraw them all at once. This would save a lot of time for withdrawing individual items after material is bound or when withdrawing those not retained permanently in the collection.
33 votes -
job to unlink a set of records from the NZ
currently this must be done manually, one by one.
13 votes -
"View Inventory" from the Holdings Record
As Copy-Cataloger, when you are creating/editing a Holdings Record, there is no easy way to view/edit the associated Item Record(s). You can add an Item Record and edit it but you cannot view the existing one(s). Having the feature “View Inventory” active when working with the Holdings Record or having a specific feature that would allow the user to view/edit the Item Record(s) would be great when doing Database Maintenance. Thank you for your time.
18 votes -
Add sorting option to course reserve when editing a list
This enhancement request was lost from the Alma roadmap for over 2 years (supposed to be in the May 2013 release), but we'd like to be able to sort the contents of reading lists by common fields like title, call number, author etc.
20 votesAdded as part of Alma Ocober 2018 Release
add copy number (copy ID) to list of items screen
add a column for copy id to the list of item screen
246 votesAs part of the November release Material type, item policy, and/or copy ID were added to the following areas:
Item List page
Physical Item Editor
Physical items repository search results
List of Items accessed by clicking the No. of Items link in the Holdings tab of the “Held By” Details page (for a member search in the Network tab)
data exported (the copy ID) to a CSV file when exporting physical items
the item list presented when selecting Bind Items from the List of Items page
the Manage deleted repository pageFor more information see: -
display item tabs when creating new item record
When creating a new item in the physical item editor, the item tab "notes" should display immediately. Currently, when creating an item you must save the item first before the tabs will display and then go back into the item record to add any item notes.
44 votes -
Allow Alma phrase searching using quotation marks in quick search box
Our catalogers use the quick search box on the Alma homepage to do keyword searches for titles in our collection. Recently we discovered that using quotation marks around a phrase does not successfully keep the words together as a phrase in the search. The only way to search for a phrase is to use the Advanced Search, and change "Contains keywords" to "Contains phrase". This is very time consuming.
25 votesAs of January release Alma will support phrase search in the simple search box. All entities and index types that have the option to use phrase search in Alma’s advanced search also have this capability with simple search when using double quotation marks to identify the phrase.
Add Allocation to the information for each fund on the "Funds and Ledgers" page.
Add Allocation to the information for each fund on the "Funds and Ledgers" page in Alma. Currently Available Balance, Cash Balance, Encumbered Balance, and Expenditure Balance are displayed, but we would like Allocation to be displayed also so that it is included in Excel exports from this page.
4 votes -
Fine Letter - Much like the Lost Item Replacement Fee but a standalone letter
Alma only gives a User a fine notification within the return receipt but it's merely an afterthought. Currently, we have this set to go to a printer (e-mail address) because we don't want to spam our patrons with return receipts for every item they turn in (I have asked within Sales Force about grouping but even then, it still sends out return receipts individually).
Ideally, I'd love an option to send a letter ONLY when the person had a fine, and not every time they returned something. This letter would also have more customization, and include fields like Bar code,…
15 votes -
View only administrator role
The administrator role may be helpful to get a full overview of the configuration and possibilities of Alma. However, this role can have far-reaching consequences and should not be given to anyone.
A "View only" administrator role would be helpful for local Alma project group members to get access to the whole config, with no risk of modifying/deleting the configuration.22 votes -
There should be a way for institutions to share normalization rules amongst each other.
Currently each institution makes his own normalization rules and no one else can take advantage of the "cool tricks" and "advanced formulations" done. There should be a method similar to the very useful and popular one done in analytics, where there is a "community" folder in which institutions can share. In analytics reports are shared among all of the live institutions, saving time and effort. Something similar should be done for the normalization rules. We now have a huge pool of existing reports libraries share. Libraries copy reports from other libraries and then when necessary make local changes. This would…
19 votes -
API to interact with Alma job scheduler
A second suggestion from session 5.12 by the LIBIS consortium.
10 votes -
API to interact with Alma sets
Suggested by LIBIS consortium in their presentation today.
11 votes -
Add a button to "Add Holdings" in the List of Holdings screen.
Currently, in order to add another holdings record, we have to be actively editing either the bibliographic record or another holdings record. It would be simpler if, in the List of Holdings screen, there were a button for "Add Holdings" similar to the "Add Item" button in the List of Items screen. That would eliminate having to go back and release the record we may have opened solely for the purpose of adding a holdings record.
27 votes -
Fines & Fees: add transaction type to the fines list
If fee was paid the status should indicate that (rather than 'Closed').
50 votes -
Create request from the patron's record
There is a somewhat common workflow that a patron comes to the desk to loan an item or perform some other activity at the desk. then the patron will ask the librarian to also create a request for him.
In order to do this currently the operator must leave the patron record and find the title and then re-insert the patron information.
A much more intuitive and efficient workflow would be to have a Create Request action in the request tab and when entering the screen the user would have to search for inventory and requester would be pre-populated.15 votes
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