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We would love to be able to respond to every idea that is submitted, but this is not feasible. We are, however, committed to responding to the most popular ideas—those that have received the most points.
For more information please review our FAQ and guidelines. Thank you.
624 results found
Have the Proxy For setting available for placing Requests.
Currently our incarcerated students have their requests put into a spreadsheet that is sent to the Off Campu team. They then have to process the request (sometimes having to spend time finding the correct item or call number) and then process the request. It would be much more efficient if the Proxy For function could be expanded to include the placing of requests, which would then place the items on the Pick from Shelf list for collection and processing
88 votesA new type of proxy user has been introduced as part of Ala December release, that will function as an extension for the sponsor user: Fulfillment proxies will have a proxy account (separate from their personal account, if exists), with which they’ll be able to log into Primo or Primo VE, place hold and resource sharing requests on behalf of their sponsor user, follow up on these requests, be notified when they reach the hold shelf, and check out items on behalf of the sponsor user.
For more information please see Alma December Release Notes: -
We need a batch job to add items to existing holdings records. During migration we did not realize the importance of having items for display in Primo. One of our locations shows (0 copies, 0 available) when we do have non-circulating copies.
132 votes -
Remove "material type" and "term of use" fields on the request form
We don't need "material type" and "term of use" fields on the request form. They are not mandatory fields and we think it is a waste of time for our patrons to fill them in. Find more details in the attachment.
1 vote -
Allow creation of shortcuts to Alma menu items on personal dashboards
Allow creation of shortcuts to Alma menu items on personal dashboards.
For example our fulfillment desks would like a shortcut to manage patron services and return items to remove the need to select from the Alma menu - quicker workflow.
I'm sure there are other examples.
8 votes -
Creating itemized sets using file upload and OCLC numbers
Currently, when we create an itemized set by file upload (also known as "Adding Itemized Sets"), the file upload option only includes MMS ID, PID, Barcode, Item ID, Portfolio ID, or PO line reference. If I have a file of MARC records from OCLC or another vendor, it would be nice to run the OCLC numbers through Alma to see how many titles are currently in Alma. At this point in the process, we don't have an MMS ID. If we could use a list of OCLC numbers, this would allow us to create a set of records based on…
31 votes -
Pop up user notes
Currently, we only have block notes pop up when scanning patron ID in "manage patron services". It would be lovely if a specific user notes (which can be added manually by staff) like "circulation" notes can be popped up to warn the staff like the patrons' email address is incorrect or this is a distance student etc. Please feel free to ask more question re this idea
99 votesUser notes can now be defined to appear as pop-up notes in Manage Patron Services so that the librarian can inform the patron of any important messages. When a user note is created, a new check-box is available, Pop up note. When selected, the note will display as a pop-up window when the operator enters Manage Patron Users. If a block message also exists for the user, both messages will display in the same pop-up window.
For more information please see: -
list more than 20 items on screen
I want to be able to have all items in a record on one screen, not 20 items split up on separate pages. For a number of reasons, one being:
When creating a set when I click "select all" it only actually selects the first 20 items. If I want to actually add all items in the record I have to go back and forth adding them 20 at a time.36 votes -
Add URL to einventory analytics for both electronic collections and portfolios
Generating a list of URLs that relate to either portfolios or electronic collections would be hugely useful. The Export URLs job that currently exists in Alma doesn't attribute URLs to resources, and also isn't complete (can't handle parser details).
212 votesCompleted as part of Alma December release:
Electronic inventory information including URL was added to the E-Inventory subject area
For more information please see Alma release notes -
2 votes
The ability to enlarge the font was added as part of user UI preference.
Remove temporary location, not just change indication
Currently we can run a "change physical items" job to remove the "temporary item indication". This toggles the temporary location from yes to no. It does not remove the temporary location from the item record.
We would like the option to also remove the location from the item record, in addition to the option of toggling the indication.
62 votesThe ability to clear all temporary location details was added
Add Chronology J, for months or seasons, as a physical items sort routine option.
Add Chronology J, for months or seasons, as a physical items sort routine option. Serials without vol/nos now display months alphabetically.
36 votesCompleted as part of Alma December Release.
The following additional fields are available for sorting physical items: Chronology J (month), Chronology K (day), Material type, and Receiving date.
For more information please see Alma December Release Notes: -
Add proxy setting to einventory analytics dimension
Have a desire to know which e collections have proxy enabled or not. Need the setting added to analytics to find out.
9 votesProxy information is now available in E inventory subject area of Analytics
Calendar Management - update Calendars by uploading Excel spreadsheet
It is very time-consuming updating calendar exceptions each year in the Alma interface. Using Tools, It is possible to export calendars to Excel so please could you make it possible to import them as well because it would be so much quicker and easier to make the changes in Excel. In most cases, I just need to adjust the dates slightly rather than adding a new record.
Like other University libraries, our opening hours pattern is quite complex: 4 campuses with different hours, night opening for part of of the year at 2 campuses, early closing during the summer rotated…
221 votesAn import action is now available on the Calendar Management page to allow you to bulk update calendars using an Excel spreadsheet.
for more information please see Alma April release notes at: -
In advanced Repository Search, allow the selection of multiple physical locations. within a library.
In Advanced Search, we currently can search multiple locations only by selecting one, going back, selecting another, going back, and selecting another. Allowing the selection of multiple locations from a list would save time.
20 votesHello all,
This feature is already available in Alma for a few years.
Alma Product Team
When editing a normalization, merge or indication rule there is only an option to preview and save. There should also be a "save as" option
What happens now is user edits his rule, is happy with it, then he must copy it to his mouse, create a new rule, and paste it into the new rule. A "save as" would be much more logical. User would do "save" as he does today to change the existing rule, and "save as" to save his changes to a new rule.
3 votes -
Batch Return in ALMA
For Stocktake, we're required to do a batch return upon collection of barcodes. Unfortunately, there is no batch return feature in ALMA. It would really be helpful to have a batch return as feature or as a job so that it could cut down the hassle.
3 votes -
Add fund description to analytics Fund Expenditure Subject Area
We want to add Fund Description to our Budget Status report but in testing have noticed that the Alma Fund Type is stored in the Fund Description field (this is in the Fund Ledger Dimension) instead of the Fund Description setup in Alma. The Fund Type field in Analytics is being used to store if the fund is an Allocated, Ledger or Summary fund. We don't want to lose this Fund information (we need to know if a fund is allocated, ledger or summary) but since the Alma Fund Type is stored in the Analytics Fund Description field there seems…
49 votes -
Add the option to add a call number column to the Scan in Items page
I would like to be able to add a Call Number column to Scan in Items page. Currently, several steps are involved in checking and getting items "out of" acquisitions/processing, ready for shelving-- In order to double check a call number I need to first scan in each item in resource management while I am in the "acquisitions" location, then change my location to Circulation desk to access the Scan in items . If a call number column was added to Scan in Items, this would simplify “double checking” the call number for each item, and circulation staff could double…
15 votes -
Digitization requests
By default, digitization requests are considerered as "Full". We would like customers to be able to choose between "Full Digitization" and "Partial Digitization" by default when creating a Digitization request. Alma administrators should be able to define a default digitization request type.
17 votes -
Release Notes and Known Issues
Please consider publishing known issues and release notes for service pack deployments before the day of deployment. Nothing infuriates a customer more than becoming aware of an issue through a mere reference in another customer's outstanding Salesforce case.
Good customer service isn't just reporting what has been fixed, but rather includes reporting the issues that need to be addressed.
4 votes
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