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129 results found
Add Alma support for microlanguages and language codes recognised by Library of Congress, including Austlang
Alma’s support for Language for search indexing, facet, and display is hardcoded for 041 to the 3 digit MARC Code List for Languages.
This excludes languages recognised by Library of Congress, such as Austlang languages which were recognised more than 6 years ago in 2018.
This issue has been addressed in Primo in 2021 and 2022 with customer advocacy efforts, but remains a glaring omission within Alma.
See details: only option currently within Alma for searching this data is to use the keyword field to search by information such as C15, and then use the Language filter to…
83 votes -
NR - Normalization rules editor -- fix display to ltr + use monospaced font
Currently there's a problem with the NR editor when there are too many rtl characters (Hebrew, Arabic, etc.) in the NR, the whole display changes to rtl. This renders the NR unintelligible and makes editing it in Alma impossible -- you have to edit it outside AlmaWe would like the direction of the NR editor to be fixed to ltr regardless of the composition of the characters used
We would like to have the NR editor use a monospaced font. This would make the code neater and easier to read24 votesHello everyone,
I’d like to share our plans to introduce support for XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) normalization rules. This new feature is designed to handle complex normalization tasks and offers the flexibility of a full programming language, enabling advanced data manipulation. It will complement our existing normalization rules based on DROOLS, preserving all of its current capabilities.
Would the addition of this new type of normalization rule address the requirement outlined in this idea?
Improvements for the MDEs left pane
The left pane in the MDE is a very helpful tool for navigation in daily business. With the following improvements it could be even more helpful:
- Customization of the display of the different databases in all the tabs (records/templates/rules): it would be very helpful if one could select only the databases that are necessary for the daily work for display (example: I have in the record tab 14 different databases of which I only need 4, and one that I need is only accessible through the drop down menu); if a selection is not possible it would be helpful…42 votes -
The ability to save and release multiple records at once from the MD Editor
We would like to have the option to save and release more than one record at a time in the MD Editor. I often have 20+ records open and it would be much more efficient to be able to save and release them all at once instead of having to do each one by hand. It would also be great to have the option to either check which records you would like to save and release or select all.
Thank you! 😊
14 votes -
Ability to sort subfields in holding records
Currently, there is an option to sort subfields for BIB records, but there is no option to sort subfields for HOLDING records.
As an administrator for Alma, it would be helpful to have the ability to sort subfields in holdings records. For example, I was adding a subfield 3 to 583 holding records via normalization rules and the subfield was added at the end of the holdings tag. I desired the subfield 3 to be listed first in the 583, but it was not possible to do.26 votes -
linked-data-powered sets and collections
TL;DR: populate existing ALMA sets / collections infrastructure using retrieval of a list of LCCNs from an external URL to allow linked-data-powered sets and collections.
We've all seen the book displays that most physical libraries have in their high-traffic areas. These might be works by the in-house press, topical events, anniversaries of author's birth, etc, etc.
In the digital space, there are shallow-functionality RSS feeds and then a yawning gap out to things that are typically called 'digital exhibitions' which are resource-intensive glossy displays.
ALMA Collections can be used for digital exhibitions, but populating them is labour-intensive and slow.
10 votes -
Arrow keys now 'stick' in fields in MDE
When navigating through records in MDE, if you've previously typed anything in a field, you now cannot move out of that field using the arrow keys. It's not entirely consistent and sometimes does let you move out the field, while other times it 'sticks' randomly in fields you haven't edited at all, but in general it is extraordinarily inconvenient.
I see using the arrow keys to move within a field was previously suggested as a feature, but even within that suggestion, the idea included the stipulation that if the cursor was already at the start/end of a line hitting up/down…
2 votes -
End date confusion
Inconsistent formatting of dates in different places in Alma leads to confusion. Dates in coverage statements are fomatted mm/dd/yyyy but dates in other places, such as 'Creation date' or 'Modification date' are sometimes formatted dd/mm/yyyy. Ex Libris should start using a standard and consistent date format, namely, the ISO 8601 Date and time format, YYYY-MM-DD, see
5 votes -
MDE Search Resources mask should be empty
When opening the Search Resources mask in MDE, the previous search is still in the data mask. For us there is no benefit for this behavior and we would like to have an empty mask and not to clear the mask every time before starting a new search.
(If other libraries need this opportunity, we would suggest to make the default settings for this mask customizable)70 votes -
Create a set from records held in the Metadata Editor
It would be useful to be able to save all of the records that you are working on in the metadata editor as a set to come back to later.
For example, this would be helpful when working on a bound with where you need to work on several records at the same time and need to add links across the records. At the moment, if this work is not completed and we need to return to it later, we would then need to create an itemised set by searching for and adding each record individually. Instead, it would be…
34 votes -
All MARC records in the Alma Community Zone should be sorted chronologically between MARC fields 500 - 899.
The fact that the MARC fields between 500 and 899 are not sorted chronologically for all Alma Community Zone MARC records makes it difficult for us to use the “Collections” function in Primo.
In the Collections function in Primo, we display the author on the overview page in addition to the title. The author is displayed via a small script in Primo. This script takes the “au” field from the PNX record of the title or, if “au” is not available, the “addau” field and displays the first value from “au” or “addau” in the title overview of the collections.…6 votes -
MDE expand from template CZ records
Alma currently doesn't have the ability to "expand from template" for Community records. The option will enable MDE users to use a template to apply multiple local extension fields to CZ records, minimizing the unintentional error of changing the CZ records for everyone.
7 votes -
Add option to batch edit 852 $k and $m in Holdings through the Change Holdings Information Job
Would love to see the option in the Change Holdings Information Job to be able to apply/remove/change a shared call number prefix or suffix on a set of records. This would greatly improve the efficiency of metadata management for collections of physical items.
9 votes -
Add Release Displayed Records in List to Record Actions menu and a keystroke combination
In the metadata editor, the option to release all displayed records in the record list has only one button which is not accessible by a keystroke. This makes the action less accessible to different users, and is also challenging to document for library staff without including visuals.
This button, with tooltext "Release displayed records in list," should also appear in the Record Actions menu in the section with other release records options. At minimum, the function should continue the current behavior of releasing the records in the selected records tab. Though it would be useful to have an option to…
2 votes -
Abilty to edit the authorities from CZ
In bibliographic records and in Browse Bibliographic Records you can check the information of the linked authority - also CZ authorities. The possibility to take the authority directly in edit mode, as you have the right to edit authorities of the CZ
25 votes -
Prevent deletion in Community Zone based on field or value in specific field.
Blocking deletion in Community Zone based on field or value in specific field. Possibility to be definded as a parameter for each CZ vocabulary.
22 votes -
Ability to add labels while creating set
It would be very useful to be able to add labels to sets when they are created. Currently you have to save your set and only then you can add a label.
1 vote -
Delete Bibliographic Records Job should be able to be restricted to the different Related Record Types
The "Delete Bibliographic Records" job can be executed with "Do not delete if related to other records", but the parameter takes into account any Related Record Type to other bib records. We think it would be a great improvement if "Do not delete if related to other records" could be used to optionally select the exact Related Record Types that should be used for running the job. This selection would be very similar to the functionality for consortia "Restrict Deletion of Network Zone Bibliographic Records with Related Records " with Configuration > Resources > Collection Retention > Bibliographic Record Deletion…
14 votes -
Add "search internal resources" option to MDE menu
Our Acquisition staff's workflow is to create brief records at the IZ level for donations etc., when we bring it into the MDE to search for an existing full-level record we are only given the option to "search external resources". We'd like to be able to search internal resources (NZ records) within the MDE (find matches is limited and does not work in most cases--we often discover after we've brought in a record that it did indeed exist in the NZ).
2 votes -
Make "search" and "sort by" functionality from Browse Bibliographic Headings accessible when binocular icon is clicked.
The Browse Bibliographic Headings feature allows a user to search in the results list and to sort the list by date, title, creator, etc. When you click the binocular icon for a subject in Alma, it looks like it brings up the Browse Bibliographic Headings feature, but the search and sort features are missing. We'd like them to be added to the results screen when you click the binocular icon.
8 votes
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