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124 results found

  1. New title search - include subfield t in Names section

    we would like to see subfield t in the names section of the new titles search. This subfield shows when it is present in field 600 but not in 700. This would be very useful when searching for Author/title

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  2. Searchability for MARC 361

    We would like to be able to search MARC-361 in Alma, if possible also specifically in subfields of the 361.

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  3. Add a new vocabulary in the CZ

    We have in NZ of CCUC (Catalan Union Catalog) a vocabulary in Catalan that is a controlled language used for indexing the genre or form and it can be used in bibliographic records together with any other subject heading system. Its use is of interest to any library that uses Catalan as the language of the catalog (for example, libraries in Andorra, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands, etc.). Some of these libraries use ALMA and have requested that this vocabulary be accessible in the CZ in order to use it.
    Therefore, we request the indexing of the TGFC vocabulary…

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  4. Search possibilities as "Received X weeks ago" or "Available X weeks ago"

    Libraries sometimes wish to build logical sets from constantly changing data. For example, a logical set of items received in the last 30 days or a logical set of ebook portfolios activated in the last 15 days. The "Receiving date" (Physical items) and "Activation Date" (Electronic portfolios) search indexes only accept a specific date (selectable from a calendar) and only allow the operators "Equals", "Not Equals", "Before", "After", "Is Empty", and "Is Not Empty". It is therefore not possible to build 100% logical sets based on items received in the last 3 weeks and associate them with a collection for…

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  5. Support Processing System Control Number (035) Updates in Imported Authority Record Updates

    Currently, Alma's authority-control jobs do not process updates to MARC21 authority tag 035 (System Control Number) when the update occurs via an authority import profile as the update of an existing record, i.e. there is a match between the existing authority record in Alma and the incoming authority record via the authority import profile. In contrast, the update is processed when there is no match with an existing record, i.e. the record is new to Alma, or, when the authority record has been updated manually via the MDE.

    This was clarified by Ex Libris in a support ticket (case 07255325).…

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  6. Improve "Select all" search results selection

    When running a search within Alma, we have the option to "Select All", at which point we can accomplish various tasks like "Push selected to MDE" (for a Physical Titles search), "Add to Itemized Set" and "Create Itemized Set" (for a Physical Items search), etc.

    However, when clicking "Select All", this only selects the results on that page of results, which is capped at 50. If you create a search with many pages of results, you would have to take action on each page individually. Clicking "Select All" should actually select all results, not just the results on that page--or…

    34 votes

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  7. Adding Facets to Alma's internal All Titles, Physical Titles, and Physical Items searches

    Currently, a search within Alma allows for a limited number of facets to filter a user's search when searching "All Titles", "Physical Titles", and "Physical Items". These only include the following facets: "Material Type", "Resource Type", "Language", and "Publication Year."

    In contrast, Primo VE's public search has many more configurable options that include "Location", "Creation Date", "Collection", "Availability/Peer Review", etc. It seems odd that Alma would be unable to also use some of these options since they're configured within Alma. At the very least, having "Location" added as a facet would be helpful for seeing where items are in a…

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  8. Add filters and columns to import profiles screens for zone, protocol, scheduling, status

    The Import Profiles screen has few options for narrowing the list of profiles if one isn't certain of the profile name, or if descriptions are too similar. Please add filters and columns to the display screen--preferably sortable columns--for fields that distinguish the zone, scheduling, and status for import profiles.

    Priority 1, Zone: Users should be able to clearly see whether an import profile is using the network zone or the institution zone for an import profile, as this affects the workflow and processing of records being imported.

    Priority 2, Status: While the Active/Inactive status of a profile may be useful…

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  9. Display Number of Records in Set Information Section

    It would be extremely beneficial to have the ability to view the number of records in a set directly within the Set Information Section, without the need to click through to the content.

    Specifically, adding a line such as “Number of Records: ####” in the Set Information Section would streamline the process of sorting through sets. For example, when managing multiple sets of items for withdrawal, it would allow me (or my students) to quickly ascertain the number of remaining items without the need to navigate into each set, view the content, and then return to the previous screen.


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  10. Add MMS to title list search options in Collection Resource Editor

    When searching the list of titles assigned to a collection, users can only search by title or publisher. It would be helpful if there was also the option to search by MMS ID since this allows for more precise retrieval. See screenshot:

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  11. Display of the 1,000 most recent linked data records in Alma and Primo

    It is not possible to display all linked data records since the number is limited to 1’000. For better user convenience, at least the 1’000 most recent records should be displayed and not the 1’000 oldest or randomly selected records.
    Especially in the case of journals and monographic series that have been published for a long time, 1,000 linked records are not uncommon and the most recent ones are usually of interest.

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  12. Sorting results of non-English external searches performed through SRU.

    When performing external searches via SRU in languages other than English, the results are first sorted in English before being sorted in the respective language. We request that the results be sorted in the search language first.

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  13. Additional "Suppress from FRBR/dedup" option and display

    When viewing a bib record, the pop-out information to the side of the screen lists whether or not the bib is suppressed from discovery and suppressed from search. It would be helpful if this info also contained whether the bib was suppressed from FRBR/dedup.

    Additionally, when you edit a bib record, you can select "Suppress from Discovery" and "Suppress from External Search" under the Record Actions dropdown menu. It would be helpful if there was also a "Suppress from FRBR/dedup" here.

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  14. Add the ability to search ( and save query ) for holdings with suppressed tag yes

    Please add the ability to search ( and save query as a set ) for holdings with suppressed tag yes.
    Right now we can search for Holding having Tag Suppressed at Title level. This is not enough and is sometimes misleading (e.g. when a Title has 2 holdings, one suppressed and one not suppressed).

    We need to identify, save as set and manipulate holdings having tag suppressed at holdings level. This info has been added at Items level in Analytics, and is useful in case of report, but we need to work at Holdings Level in Alma with real time…

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  15. No relation "Replaces/Replaced by" between records due to entry of invalid ISBN (020 $z)

    If there are two records in Alma, one that has 020 $a u and another that has 020 $a v and 020 $z u, the both records will be related by the system with the relation: Replaces/Replaced by. The 020 $z is understood as a "cancelled" ISBN and therefore included in the job that calculates the relations.

    In the vast majority of cases we know 020 $z is a false/invalid ISBN: a publisher mistakenly(!) uses the same ISBN in two different resources that have nothing to do with each other. However, according to the international rules for describing resources, the…

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  16. Browse Shelf Listing - straight to edit!

    If you click on a record in the list that appears when clicking Browse Shelf Listing (Alt+C) while in MDE, the record immediately opens in MDE for editing. This is not necessary and confusing because for example when you click on a record after clicking Find Matches (Ctrl+M) you get the option of View or Edit. Same should apply to Browse Shelf Listing (Alt+C)

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  17. Further filtering in Authority control task list

    We are regularly getting old bib records in the Authority control task list and they make it hard for us to spot new bib headings that we need to add to our local authority file. It would be very helpful if it would be possible to filter the list by creation date to limit the list to new bib records.

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  18. Add all Enumeration and Chronology fields to the Inventory Information tab of an Import Profile

    Currently, only Enumeration A - C and Chronology I - K are listed in the Inventory Information tab of our Import Profiles. Our consortia uses Enumeration A-D; Enumeration D specifically is used for free-text phrases that do not conveniently fit into the category of volume, number or issue; so "index", "part", "box", etc. are all written in EnumD. This is why it is frustrating that this enumeration field cannot be imported via an import profile.

    It would be immensely helpful for us if all enumeration fields were listed in the import profile. There is no point in having so many…

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  19. Improve the efficiency and accuracy of Check call no.

    In the Aleph environment, when a cataloger presses F3 in the MARC tag of call number (050), they can see "all" similar call numbers. This helps them to decide the call number for the record they are working on. The system does not differentiate whether these are physical or electronic resources, or whether they have holdings. However, in the Alma environment, when in the same call number (050) MARC tag, it is not possible to see "all" call numbers of records in the system, especially not for electronic resources. This significantly increases the difficulty for catalogers in deciding the call…

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  20. Customize search labels for local authorities

    We would like to configure the search labels for local authorities. We have already checked, but the MARC21 fields used for the corresponding local authorities (084, 600, 651) are not shown in the list of search labels. Unfortunately, the support was not able to help us. They said that index codes to search index labels mapping and expanding the index fields is an enhancement request.

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