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121 results found

  1. Differentiate “regular” Hold Request and Interested User Request or Change “Interested User Check” Order

    Because Alma does not have the granularity to separate an Interested User request and a regular hold request, our Interested User hold process does not work.

    When the “Non-Requestable Processes Fulfillment Unit Rule or Change Order” is configured to prevent “in process” items from being requestable, any items that have an Interested User that are in our Technical Services Work Order are treated as “in process” and therefore, the interested user request is blocked. While we do not want most “In Process” items to be requestable, we do want our Interested User requests to be fulfilled.

    Because of this configuration,…

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  2. When a hold expires, have them display in the task list

    In the same way that requests show in the task list, it would be helpful that when the hold is expired that it will also show in the task list. People would see on their desktop if an item needs to be shelved or returned to a campus library, instead of remember to check the Expire Hold shelf.

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  3. When a hold expires, have them display in the task list

    In the same way that requests show in the task list, it would be helpful that when the hold is expired that it will also show in the task list. People would see on their desktop if an item needs to be shelved or returned to a campus library, instead of remember to check the Expire Hold shelf.

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  4. Allow other libraries to handle digitization

    Add a Library or Edit Library Information>Libraries

    Add an "Allow other libraries to handle digitization" tick box similar to the "Allow other libraries to handle personal delivery"

    This intention would be that the item to be digitized would not need to be sent back to the library originally listed as the managing department.

    This is particularly useful for those with multiple digitization departments in different locations. It would save on postage, time taken to complete the request and reduce manual intervention and monitoring by library staff.

    For further clarification: Information on- Allow other libraries to handle personal delivery is…

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  5. See the same information in Monitor Requests & Item Process menu that is seen in Borrowing Requests menu

    It would be helpful to see the same information in the different places a staff member might check to see the status of a patron request. In the attached document, you'll see that there is much more useful information in the borrowing requests menu, including the preferred pickup location which is a critical detail. Can we have the same info display in both?

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  6. Prevent the reservation of items from other libraries if material exists on the user's campus

    By default, Alma allows the user to request material from any of the libraries registered in the system.

    For us this is not always desirable, because in certain cases the library where he can request the material is located hundreds of kilometers from where he is, and the transport of this material becomes difficult and time-consuming.

    This is especially problematic when the material exists in the library/campus where that user is registered. The requested item would take longer to arrive from somewhere else than if he waited it to be returned to his campus.

    To solve this, we would like…

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  7. patron names

    Could the Patron name be displayed in the "Pick Up Request " window in Alma just as the 'Requestors Note". This saves time instead of having to click to find the name of the requestor.

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  8. Pick from Shelf, sort by title


    Currently our Pick from Shelf has 4 options to sort the titles:

    Location Name- Asc
    Location Name - Desc
    Call Number - Asc
    Call Number - Desc

    I would like to see the titles sorted into alphabetical order.


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  9. Allow transferring a recall to the next eligible item without placing a new request

    In the event a patron with a recalled item has extenuating circumstances that prevent the item's timely return, it would be helpful to pass the recall process to the next eligible item in the holding, e.g. the next oldest loan. Currently, we are only able to extend the due date of the current loan, and advise the requesting patron to cancel then re-request the item - this would cause issues if there is a queue of requests for the item, and we would like to be able to "bump" the chain of requests down if possible.

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  10. Permanent physical location for items in process

    We have found that when working through items in process/Monitor physical item requests that the permanent location is not included when exporting to Excel. This is very inconvenient when a staff member is trying to locate the item.

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  11. Consider only the opening days and hours when calculating the transit time

    The Transit Time Rule for Physical Item Requests calculates the transit time in calendar days.
    As a result, days and times when the library is closed are also indicated as estimated delivery times for the requested media.
    These times are also displayed in Primo and thus give users incorrect information.
    Would it be possible to consider only the opening days and hours of the libraries when calculating the transit time?

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  12. Allow patron to create "Alias" that prints to Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter

    When item that has a request is returned at the circulation desk, a Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter is printed. There is a Patron name on the Print.
    There should be a possibility for a Patron to choose an "Alias" (Name or Number) that would be printed to the Letter.

    This could be an Address -field that patron can update in Primo. Then it would be printed to the slip letter.

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  13. Deliver Digital Documents: add notes

    We would like to add notes to the quick flow “Fulfillment > Deliver Digital Documents” (as is possible via the longer workflow of “Scan In > Manage In Process Items”). This way, we can swiftly deliver digital documents - regardless of file size - with a note to the patron. At this moment, for a note to be delivered to the end user, we need to take the more extensive route through “Manage In Process Items”. Here we are limited to file size and have to break up large files (as the file size limit is 25 MB and URLS…

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  14. Allow booking requests only on the quarter hour and half hour

    If your booking resolution policies are set to "Minute", users can select any minute in the hour as a start and end time. We would like a configuration option that allows us to limit booking request start and end times to just the quarter hour and half hour.

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  15. Sort booking requests by Start Time

    When monitoring resource requests on Fulfillment > Monitor Requests & Item Processes, a "Sort by" button with an option to sort by Start Time would ease the handling of booking requests.
    The booking requests are currently sorted by Request Date, which is not very useful, and can not be sorted by any other field.

    A "Sort by" button actually does appear on Fulfillment > Pick From Shelf.

    Another option could be adding the Start Time on the drop down menu of the bar "Requests" on top of the page.

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  16. Add block action for patron digitization requests in User Block Definitions

    The configurable blocked actions for user blocks in Alma are:
    01 – loan
    02 – loan, renew
    03 – loan, renew, hold

    It is therefore possible to configure that blocked users are not allowed to place requests at all.

    We propose a distinction between the different request types in blocked actions.

    Blocked users should be able to place hold requests, as it can be checked at the latest at the time of loaning whether there is a block, and users then have to take care of the unblocking (e.g. by paying fees) in order to be able to loan the…

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  17. Monitor Requests & Item Process Activity Status Filter

    Add Activity Status: Rejected to "Monitor Requests & Item Processes"
    It would be extremely helpful to have the Activity Status Rejected on the "Monitor Requests & Item Processes" Activity Status Filters. If it could be added as an option with Active, Completed and All, that would remove a ton of extra time and labor for our fulfillment processes.

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  18. Show 'chapter/article title' and 'chapter/article author' in completed digitization requests and in Analytics

    For copyright reasons, we need to track whether users have requested an article from an issue or a chapter from a book from which they have already received a scan.

    Completed digitisation requests in Alma do not show the chapter/article title or chapter/article author, only the overall title requested. The data is not available in Analytics either.

    This means that we are reliant on a local spreadsheet to track what users have already requested.

    We would like to see the data available on the completed requests and in Analytics.

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  19. Consultation in Alma FF

    There is no easy solution in Alma FF to indicate that an item has been consulted in the library and that it can be reshelved.

    When items are placed on the hold shelf and are briefly consulted in the library, there is no easy way to directly reshelve them in Alma FF. The workarounds are far from ideal and are very labour-intensive when facing a large amount of physical requests: cancel the request (but this is not correct and influences our request statistics) and reshelve via the expired hold shelf, update the expiry date to yesterday (but this requires a…

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  20. Enhanced “In Transit” flow/functionality

    We encounter a lack of important functionality to efficiently follow-up on In transit requests (physical item requests to another pick-up location). We would like the functionality to be extended with the following additional features:
    1. A patron facing letter when the requested item is placed “in transit” by the owning library, so that the patron is better informed of the status of his request.
     We want to create a situation that once a requested item is being transported, there is in fact no way back and a fee needs to paid.
    2. To make it impossible for patrons to…

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