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138 results found
Add 880 field to the Bibliographic Details dimension table in Analytics
In MARC bibliographic records, the 880 field is used for non-Roman script equivalents of other fields in the bib record. CJK (Chinese, Japanese & Korean) libraries, for example, may use the 880 to record the non-Roman script equivalent of the Romanized characters in a 245. We would like the 880 field to be searchable in Analytics so we can create new book lists in the CJK scripts. New book lists are very popular with our users and we would like to be able to present these lists in the CJK scripts.
57 votes -
Notes Tabs not in Analytics
We would like to be able to retrieve all the details in the Notes Tabs for Borrowing and Lending requests via Analytics. Currently, only the Request Note is retrievable.
54 votes -
Analytics - reporte on audit trail in user record
We'd like to be able to use the information in the audit trail on a user record in Analytics, for example, today we wanted to report on when an identifier had been modified and by which user.
32 votes -
Add permalink to Analytics report
We'd like to have the permalink for a bib record included in the Analytics report.
30 votes -
Alma needs ti have the ability to identify bib, holdings, and item records created by individual staff operators.
The MDE shows the operator of various versions of a bib record. When a bib record is imported via an import profile that creates inventory, however, the staff operator that ran the import is not identified as the creator of the bib, holding, and/or item record. We often did Access queries in Voyager to identify bibs, holdings, or item records created or modified by particular staff members or student assistants. I can see that we could do such a report from Alma on bib record operators of versions after the initial import and I can also see in the Item…
10 votes -
Need a Physical items folder in the Course Reserves Subject area
Items details are missing from the Course reserves subject area in Alma Analytics. So can't get Barcode and other item details for course reserves.
84 votes -
Need Number of requests and clickthroughs per service type in Alma Analytics
In Alma, we have General Electronic Services (GES) for ReprintsDesk. ReprintsDesk is our document delivery provider. The ReprintsDesk GES appears in the services window in Primo or when linking out from a database. If there is no full text found, the patron can request the article via ReprintsDesk. I need to get statistics for each quarter on how many times the GES was clicked.
In SFX, we ran a query for the number of document delivery requests. It was in the SFX query "Number of requests and clickthroughs per service type” and the service type getDocumentDelivery. We need the same…
30 votes -
Report on empty viewit screens and better link resolver usage reports
I would like to be able to report on empty viewit screens.
Currently the link resolver usage area is not so useful, missing the openurl itself, and limiting the data that is being reported to very few request metadata elements.
Im missing, in addition to the openurl, the date/vol/issue details as well as request article title and book titles.
My goal is to be able to use these reports in order to analyze problem points - currently I'm missing crucial data that will help me analyze problems.
63 votes -
Add a "Last page" option on the Results tab
It would be helpful to include a "Last page" or "end page" arrow on the Results tab in Analytics. There is an arrow to take you to the beginning of the analysis but not to the end. Sometimes it is helpful to go to the end of an analysis to check the data and it is very time-consuming to click the "Next 500 rows" arrow several times on large analyses.
22 votes -
Add User Note Creation Date and Creator as query-able fields in Anayltics
Please make it so that we can create analysis in analytics that display the creation date and creators of user notes. Both fields would be very useful filters for us.
39 votes -
Add the source field to Analytics
It would be useful to be able to report on the Source field from Resource Sharing requests in the Borrowing Request subject area of Analytics. Then we could analyse the channels that users' Resource Sharing requests are coming in from.
47 votes -
Flag for course reserve loan transactions
As a possible improvement for the Fulfillment subject area, please consider adding an indicator, much like the In House Loan indicator, to loans made while an item is on course reserve. This would allow us to easily include or exclude loans made for items on reserve in our circulation reports. Currently we exclude by location, but we suspect that this is not a reliable method, in part because the inactive temporary location is still attached to many items.
A course reserve flag on a loan would also allow us to easily pull circulation counts when reporting on course reserve.
16 votes -
Identify stats for individual self check machines in Analytics
It doesn't appear to currently be possible to report stats in Analytics for individual self check machines unless you assign a separate Circulation Desk for each self check within a branch.
We have multiple self check machines in each branch and we'd like to be able to report on the number of loans each self check processes so we can see which ones are in demand and which ones aren't. We'd like to see a way to attach multiple self checks to the same Circulation Desk and be able to report out the stats for each of those self checks…
54 votes -
Subscription interval field in Analytics
Adding the Subscription interval field in PO Line to the Funds Expenditure subject area in Analytics. This would allow reporting based on the frequency of a serial.
39 votes -
Analytics Report for Staff Activity
I would like the ability to analyze staff activity in Alma Analytics (how many times a staff member checks something out or in, marks something missing, scans in an item for fulfillment, etc.)
14 votes -
Enable a "Reprompt" option in Analytics
Currently, when running a prompted report, if you want to change your selections after running it, you must go back to the catalog and start over from "Run". It would be a great time savings if there were a "REPROMPT" option, which took you directly back to the prompt screen. Inclusion of a "retain choices this session" toggle and a "clear all choices" button on the prompt screen would be useful as well.
A use case would be when I am trying to determine why a particular item is hanging up on a task list or is being prevented from…
14 votes -
Shared Dimensions
It would be really useful if you could only see the "fields" that are available to be used when using two dimensions to construct a query.
This would make the Analytics interface more user friendly, and remove the need for checking documentation to find out what fields are/are note available.
8 votes -
Add HTML to Analytics dashboards
It would be cool if we could include active HTML in our dashboards.
For example, ibrarians who are reviewing new electronic acquistions could pull up a list of new acquisition and, in a one click, link directly through to the resources. (Currently, they would need to pull down the report, find the URL in the data, then copy and paste that back into the browser)
Additionally, outside images (via <img> tag) could be incorporated into reports for branded presentations.
By default in OBIEE, only Administrators have the right to use HTML in the data format of any column.
This can…
18 votes
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